This is the equivalent of old Trump tweets.
This is the equivalent of old Trump tweets.
This is not my beautiful house.
He was passionate about the idea of arming and training teachers, something that will absolutely put more people in danger of gun violence.
I can’t believe what a terrible idea that is. Our professionally trained police can’t avoid shooting unarmed people, and you think a *teacher* is going to do a fine job when a shooter has an AR and is tossing smoke grenades after pulling a fire alarm to draw out panicked kids into a crowded hallway.
Someone reposted the video from Obama’s town hall, where he was asked about gun rights, and his articulate and thought out response was amazing. And then I got sad thinking about where we are today with Cadet Bone Spurs. I miss having a president who could speak and act like a leader and not a giant baby.
Breaking: US men’s curling beats Canada. Canada is officially in mourning.
Marco Rubio “I am not an asshole because I take money, they give me money because I am an asshole.”
Ladies and gentleman, that is the conclusion of overtime. The gold medal will now be decided by a shootout.
+1 Tentacle
Thankfully it was blurred out on the Japanese broadcast, so no one at home saw how dreadful it truly was.
Um, say bro... Congress might not be in session, but national news crews are going to be fully engaged.
Oh, fuck you. Damn, what a hideous moral dilemma. ;)
Serious morality question: if Dinesh DSouza held a fundraising auction to punch him in the face, but the proceeds go to the NRA, do you bid?
(Paraphrasing) When you’re accustomed to gerrymandering, fairness feels like conscious pro-Dem mapping choices.
None of this excuses Russian interference in 2016. But we also need to stop covering up what our country has done around the world.
$25 million? I hope he spent some of that money on lessons on getting camels through the eyes of needles.