So race targeting by police is worldwide?
So race targeting by police is worldwide?
Trump has made his position clear that the US isn’t going to give the Mexican government any money to help them rebuild Puerto Rico.
Get your college stereotypes straight
I wouldn’t worry about qualifying anything. He created his burner just to reply to that comment.
Future Fox News anchorettes, no doubt.
Looking on the bright side here, he’s not a holocaust denier.
I know ESPN has turned the LLWS into a too-slick, commercial product that capitalizes on the preciousness of children playing a game and spends a little too long on the sobbing faces of kids who lose, but last night the Connecticut team, down 5-2 to Walla Walla, Wash., in the fourth, scored eight runs and ran away…
Back in my day, players didn’t need coddling. Hell, that little league pitcher Danny Almonte wouldn’t even drive his children on the team for ice cream after losses.
I think it’s largely a matter of someone always complaining. People hated the Dorne subplot because nothing happened. Arya and the Hound going from Riverrun to the Twins was an entire season. We’re getting to the point where, with only 13 episodes between Seasons 7 and 8, things need to happen and the timeline…
I read a great point somewhere (maybe Twitter, I don’t remember) that GRRM is the person to blame for the show getting bad, not the writers of the show themselves. The argument was that they signed up to adapt a series of books into a television show, not finish a story that the books started to tell but hasn’t yet…
Found this on my ‘Deadspin’ feed....
I’m a giants fan, and while they’re not perfect as owners, I really don’t have much to complain about over my 42 years about how they’ve been run.
Congrats on learning to read, fuckstick! Now work on your comprehension.
Breakfast, usually.
Same here. I didn’t discover the series until 3 years ago. Been submitting comments (and having success) the last two years. If you can’t laugh at your own team, you are a Pats fan.
Wow, quick start to the butthurt today.
If you actually know anything about investing you would understand about sacrificing profits for growth. There is is tiny company called Amazon that did it for almost 20 years and is now a profit machine. They got raked over the rails constantly by uneducated people about why they weren’t making a profit, while they…
I know! It’s almost like we hold auto manufacturers who have been doing it for 20, 50, 100 years to a higher standard than a startup! So unfair!
Mine does too and she’s 5'4". I just sent her a link to this.