This should not spoil anything but just in case you are worried stop... Also I am a guy and had to think hard to remember nudity outside of 3 key scenes.
This should not spoil anything but just in case you are worried stop... Also I am a guy and had to think hard to remember nudity outside of 3 key scenes.
Good, bad, terrible - it doesn’t matter to me. I have a 13, 12 and 9 year old and if a disaster movie is on I have to stop and watch until the disaster strikes. My 12 y.o. daughter saw the commercial for Geostorm and asked me when are we going. I love this girl - same bad taste in disaster movies as me.
What is every one bitching about? Folk did a hella of a job kicking away from the New England returners.
Love the guy in the American flag hat and the one who forgot to take his hat off... #flagetiquettefails, #noanthemrespect
Congratulations on your scholarship to the Arizona State University! The three of you will fit in perfectly.
My wife drives me crazy doing this. This is exactly what i envisioned would happen to her. I just sent her this link as we are driving to Virginia tomorrow.
I think I read it was at 4:20.
But...But... Gravity binds them together.
So this just stops working when just over 100 insects are dead? How does it know how many have died?
Unrelated, but this picture reminds me of my early 20s in NY. On the weekends I would visit museums all over NYC. This room was always one of my favorites. I sat on the benches near the wall of windows and just looked at that temple. I always wondered what life was like for those who lived near it back in time.
HGTV, she can watch while I do my thing. WIN-WIN.
One of my all time favorites. I laugh every time I see that scene.
If the Russians hacked the NCAA tourney instead of the US election and blocked us from watching games at work, you can bet your life the investigation would be over in about 3 days.
I have met only one other person in the 8 years since being diagnosed. I hope you are in a remission period and doing well.
This is a great point. I have trigeminal neuralgia (look it up it is horrible). Since they do not know the origin point in the brain I can’t have surgery to attempt to fix it. I was diagnosed at 39 years old and was told I would be in a pain management regimen for the rest of my life. Thank god opioids are not…