
I saw a promotional video on this on youtube and my takeaway was that it was a well constructed extra episode of Documentary Now!

Line of the episode - ‘four for dinner’

It was offensive, in the right way. The line ‘when it’s black it’s a gang, and when it’s italians, it’s the mob, and when it’s jews, it’s a coincidence’ is brilliant in it’s structure. That’s not saying you have to agree OR be offended. But he couches it in counterexamples that puts the critic in the position of

It’s excellent nuanced writing that allows for multiple perspectives to be simultaneously feasible. My take on Harper’s conundrum in this episode is that her history of curated cynicism and skepticism is derailing her effort to be free and fun.  She gives a definite air of judgment in every glance and offhand remark

Pretty savvy to save the announcement until immediately after Amy Schumer returns to host a lackluster episode, to mute backlash.

A spacebar can be consequential

Best quatrain in the history of lyrics

I know that things are crafted for the narrative more than realism, but it was hard to concentrate on the narrative knowing 90% of the tractor’s problem was it needed a battery charge.


You wuh in Poy-gah-tory, my friend!!

It’s a tin-eared iteration of a nearly ubiquitous bit. As has been pointed out below, Chris Rock used it to bemoan the death of a lot of legendary rappers, while Vanilla Ice lives. It’s a writing room bit to establish as misanthropic archetype who is both in pain over the loss of heroes and resentful of nice people

It took me forever to figure if, then where, I’d seen Los Espooky’s particular style of humor. Where it’s silly and fluffy, but still guffaw inducing, and almost impossible to explain to someone who doesn’t watch for themselves [guess you had to be there, humor]. And during the finale, it finally struck me like a

Maybe if Shaq knew about Paperboi’s love for Pretzelmakers, he wouldn’t have had to sell Auntie Anne’s.

Yeah, guess no one really did watch Mr. Mercedes

Her physical attractiveness is the smallest portion of her attractiveness, she’s so relatable. I don’t know if it’s a conscious act, but if so she’s good at it. Seems more like a sister or cousin who happens to be hot and famous than someone who has been hot and famous most of her life.

There was one in ivory at the effing supermarket the other day.  Almost forgot to go shopping.

Know what they should call it?  I know what they should call it . . . . Box Office POISON!!

Thought the cold open pre-emptively snarking on the rut they got into last year was a solid choice, and it gave Teller good lines and Hamm a chance to do a cameo that actually delivered comedically.

I took the sentiment as snark.  Kind of like South Park’s cuttlefish or asparagus conundrum.