But why male models?
But why male models?
These high profile creatives are the ultimate free agents. . . If they have issues with pay, they have issues with their representation, not society.
I’m glad this is a top comment. . . Kim’s immediate change in direction is a more extreme version of rejecting your base instincts when faced with the gravity of the consequences. Kim was a willing and active participant, with fully formed and arguably meritorious reasons for her participation. But when harsh…
Particularly since it brought to mind a little jingle from Kevin Smith’s Hollywood Babble-On.
The owl’s gaze is bad juju. Last season one of the kids freaked out that Uncle even kept that shit hanging up at his house.
Chickashay, shaw, shay, SHIT!
Michelle can go strident, but she’s a seasoned standup. She has a sense from travelling the nation’s ‘chuckle huts’ of when to push that stridency and when to step back and deflate her own aura with a self-deprecating punchline.
I tried, I really tried, with Chad. I have a ton of affection for Nasim, she seems lovely and talented. . . But Chad was dire. Best I can analogize is the difference between Chad and funny would be the difference between David Brent being his usual obtuse self, and David Brent sputtering and flailing to win the…
Wait, wait, . . . I’m worried what you heard was . . . .
It’s a lifelong source of amazement how many people, no matter how popular or powerful, never evolve past the insecurities of adolescence.
This is not Nom, this is Oscars, mark it zero Smokey . . . Next frame!!
It was significantly upgraded in the 2010s and rebranded as Gateway Motorsports. Had some national NASCAR, NHRA and Road Race events and folded again. It’s on another attempted comeback under new ownership.
I suppose I may have underestimated how mainstream sounding is in certain communities.
Remedial Anatomy might be in order
Podcasts have proliferated because people have free time, but not necessarily free time to fully concentrate on a medium. This is coupled with the dearth of attention grabbing new music. So podcasts while folding laundry, podcasts while sweeping and dusting, podcasts on the treadmill, podcasts while on your daily…
I think it’s a slow-burn meta commentary on the people in the audiences’ lives that they think are entitled dicks because everything seems easy for them. There was a time when the maxim ‘don’t judge a man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes’ applied universally. Then as class resentment settled in, it got cleaved…
you can also rub your finger around the upper rim, setting up a resonance in the sides of the can. MoF, I’d say the rotation of the can on the table top sets up that resonance, moreso than the centrifugal force
Same family, same land, different generation, different problems. . .