OIC, I gave up somewhere around when the dictionary redefined ‘literally’ as ‘anything and everything BUT but literally.’
OIC, I gave up somewhere around when the dictionary redefined ‘literally’ as ‘anything and everything BUT but literally.’
He shot the wall, and the wall happened to be lined with cast iron skillets, which ricocheted the bullet into his brainpan.
Throw out your hands
Tom Hanks slid into his 5-timer’s jacket courtesy of Conan’s first on-screen appearance as 5-timer jacket valet.
So Lexi’s Bob Ross Halloween costume had a darker, more passive-aggressive origin than originally revealed.
Yeah, it’s like there’s a criticism arms race where people are supposed to care how much a work differs from the preconceived vision of the critic, as opposed to the vision of the creators. ASP has a style and the show highlights her talent working within that style. Banter, period specific visuals, energy,…
The halting, hesitating, half-thrust, half-eye close to go in for the kiss right after pulling up his TommyJohn’s was some exquisite cringe acting.
The Superb Owl is in HOW MANY weeks?
Everyone keeps saying it’s an Adam Sandler impression, and all I can hear is Nick Kroll’s Coach Steve from Big Mouth.
Ler - if cc is an authoritative source
“Brits are often offered less than their American actors. He said it was a “problem with British agents,” who are less ruthless than their American counterparts.”
Grandma’s Cadillac came from Jack Kent, the same Denver dealership where Elvis had his last Caddy buying spree before, . . . well, you know.
Could’ve even ‘stopped short’ to save it.
“ each new variant teaches the world the Greek alphabet, one letter at a time”
The expert who told Clyde that the vaccine made titties on your head turned out to be . . . future Clyde.
No one?!?!
Could take Planet Fitness’ tact, and market exercycles as coat racks for the pizza party.
He LIKES it!!
Of course Kenny isn’t circumcised.
Start the clock!!