
Anyone else disoriented by seeing Olivia Dunham and The Observer as colleagues?

Dolly zoom!!

Nate’s dad isn’t molesting him., at least not as shown in this episode.

The gurney was a flashack to her dad’s death after a protracted illness. She started doing drugs stealing pain meds from her convalescing dad, and after the EMTs leave and she grabs the hoodie [which became her uniform in HS as Jules observed] there is patient monitoring equipment already in the bedroom.

Rock amongst yourselves. I’ll give you yet another topic . . .

Possible your feed defaulted to subtitles?

I contemplate mucking around such a delicate area, and all I can think of is my personal bout of yips and flopsweat just putting a processor into a MOBO ZIF socket.

Our ‘newest’ mall had one, in the food court even. It’s also already shuttered and is pending redevelopment as a giant youth athletic center, sure to be shuttered as well in ANOTHER 10 years.

Per the episode, I’d change that to PerFUNCOry.

Say what you will about the tenets of politicized clickbait, but at least an ethos. . .’

It’s likely the concentration. Like the relationship adage, ‘there is no one so attractive that there isn’t someone out there who is sick of their shit.’

Yeah, but did he break his gun on a stump?!?!

“The Last Jedi is trash”

“The Last Jedi is trash”

“The Gum” had it all. It’s like a Rube Goldberg machine of intertwining plots and long payoffs. Kramer obsessed with Lloyd Braun’s mental health, Jerry roped into a buttload of crappy gum because he’s maintaining a rouse with Geoffrey Ha[rhar]arwood’s glasses, Elaine the floozy with the missing blouse button, ancient

Your cocaine?

Your cocaine?

Maybe his role in The Peanut Butter Falcon will be as good for his profile as things were for the folks in Little Miss Sunshine

That I can recall, the hardest I laughed all year, summed up in two words, . . . squeaky toy.

Clearly the ‘first thing’ they agreed upon was proper ear angle.