
This-ah might mak-ah sensa you, but it makes no sensimilla. 

. . . Or a woman.

Creativity is nice, but precious little of it is irreplaceable.

Norm McDonald talking Brokeback with Todd Glass on his youtube show is peak Norm. Just great misdirection and timing.

Firmly in the MW, I can report that the best place to get fried pickles is a Irish restaurant [Lewellyn’s Pub], and the worst place is Church’s chicken.

Does Louis C.K. get a writing credit?

Nobody in politics should be called a genius. A genius is a guy like Norman Eisen. /J.Theismann

Stand, . . in the place whe. . .

two words - ridged crockery. I have a plate with ripples and I’ve never given a moment’s thought to crisp bacon, and I LIKE CRISP BACON.


If she got in behind a tour bus, that could have been 2-3 episodes right there, waiting.

I dunno, some of my favorite moments from the first season was how diplomatically he would express great disdain for a particular dish.

Yeah, I think most of us non-NYCers assume as much, only it’s a little more understandable on the assumption that there’s this vast repository of NYC stock footage that shows purchase and use without much thought or effort at any stage. I suppose the StL footage could be stock as well. 

Thank heavens ButterBattle is thanking heavens.

That’s a pretty notable character beat to get that wrong.

Really weird and disorienting that they went to the trouble to get location footage for the journey out of St. Louis to back home, then edited it in about the most confusing way possible.

Man, DA Manuel DeValos has aged.

ate. Here’s the gist of the reply I tried and tried and tried to post, and I’m too exhausted to elaborThe show isn’ t really about the cars.

With putting more work into posting a thoughtful response than the website has ever put into coming up with a workeable comment posting program. out.