
Where do you see the intolerance popping up?

Earn is all about finding the shortcut to glory. Get into Princeton, drop out right after. Wants Van available when he needs companionship without investing in any of her interests. Beat Vick in a footrace to rescue an embarrassing night. Beat Tracy’s ass to rescue another embarrassing night. Step up to announce

And exercising is nothing but the callow privilege of working when you don’t have to. And flavorful food is nothing but the callow privilege of deriving pleasure from nutrition.

That’s why I changed the terminology to streamline and focus attention. You’re arguing with the less articulate OP.

I can’t speak for the inner workings of Hulu’s business model, but the fact that the intellectual property is digital doesn’t mandate that they adopt the model of a digital pay library, carrying everything they ever have for all time.

‘Streamline their library to focus attention’


Maybe a good question to ask when the NATIONWIDE controversy ‘erupted.’ 

Is a MAH-no-LOG-ist something different from a muh-NAH-luh-just?


Prayers sent

“No one was like “honestly, NO ONE LIKES YOU, TED CRUZ, you’re a fucking dumbass for running”.”

In the off chance you actually want to know ‘how,’ Trump is viewed nearly universally as a boaster, one who will elevate his position with grandiose claims. He’s not trusted, but he is viewed like a salesman or a carnival barker.

When I say we went to the movies A LOT when I was a kid, I tell you I was born in fall of 1971 and recall seeing this first run at the drive-in.

Not SuperBeets, though.

Bacon, hash browns and eggs were made for each other.

But has Al ever really had a moment where people looked at him and detected a threat?

Depends, is he a fly, young huggable type of guy?

Thank you, please come again.

Be glad they at least put the effort to put a spin on the coverage. Could’ve just been a link to the content with a summary of what it contains.