
Shootin is fer showoffs.

This episode carried the Mulaney stamp of a standup/writer. The bits hit harder because the details were sweated over. All the little asides and meta-comments made even the blandest pitches pop.

Incredible actor? Or incredibly directed vessel?

Quite a racket. Generate an audience for your product, not by producing a compelling product, but by producing a product that casts aspersions on the products of others. Then demanding that your aspersions be treated as established unless and until you consume your product in order to critique it.

Whiny Hari fucks up here.

My mom grew up white [well, white appearing native american] and poor in the south, and picked acres and acres of cotton, almost entirely before she was even high school aged, and she uses cotton-picking to express frustration and anger because she was raised not to curse.

So refreshing to know that there are still people out there who care enough that they can see me are inspired enough to set about systematically to see if they can irritate me.

Campfire Sauce - aka Mayo and Sweet Baby Ray’s, with a little chipotle and paprika

The way Claudia’s cultural propaganda worked on Elizabeth, even when pointedly aimed at Paige, is such a depressing character note.

Oh I get it. . . . You mean like when someone drinks too much, . . . or snorts cocaine, . . .or bets the house on the ponies . . .

Seehorn worked with Cummings on Whitney. I assumed that the shelter worker bit was just the two of them getting on the phone and saying ‘hey, wanna drop by and be on Roseanne’s show?’

Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica

I chuckled, . . . was I supposed to chuckle?

Just the Chiefs’ fortune that this superstar has done exactly ONE thing of note in his career thus far

Or, apparently, the origin of Honky. 

Knowing the eventual developments of BB may add some to the impact of the story of how we got there, but the story itself is more than capable of standing on its own. There are small sly references that BB viewers will appreciate, and some of the signposts pointing to the future have a gravity for those who know what

That’s the picture. Guess for now it’s just part of the strangeness of the world Donald created. Dunno if it will be expounded on or even referenced again.

And he gets all the quotable lines. To this day, if my sis and I are over to mow our parents’ yard, one of us will warn the other not to pull their hyena.

I think the fry trend is trying to latch onto any marketable snack in a form that can both be shared and wolfed down by the handful.

Red Robin steak fries are crispy pillows from heaven.