
I’ll add, it probably wasn’t fair to you in particular to serve as the stand-in for the torrent of the kind of ‘snark’ that seems to be popping up everywhere.

That’s just me clarifying. How does that translate into anger?

What, praytell, do I ‘sound mad’ about?

There you go Fronzie, another person who got your joke in the spirit you intended.

You sound mad. Maybe, if you were indeed just joshin’ you should direct your anger at the poster who doubled down on your ‘snark’ as serious business. That is, the person to whom the reply that seems to have angered you was directed.

Mere chance that I watched this pilot, and the S2 premiere of Atlanta in the same sitting. Got my fill of surprise armed robbery.

I remember them too, and it was 24/7 pundit cycle snark. It didn’t even rise to news snark or journalist snark. It was about on par with late-night monologue jabs.

When exactly was that? Year of our Lord Massive Hyperbole?

Stephen Moore told a joke that didn’t land and chuckled desperately at it alone? [shocked expression]

Helpin’ you relax, when Mother Nature attacks your slacks.

Debbie Gallagher!!

Was it just me, or did ‘Tim’ always feel like a darker/meeker side of Ray Romano?

The part I miss is being able to simply enjoy ‘diverse’ stories for what they are, instead of social media beating you over the head with

And Fat Trel is graming out that he’s talked to RR and he is in hospital but not on life support.

Evidently, you haven’t heard the rest of the 911 call.

Uptalk more

must have

Bearded dude looks distractingly like Nick Thune

Al Salamiyah!!

I’m 15 minutes in on the first episode and, I’m only finishing it so I don’t have the nagging question ‘now did I finish that episode’ in my head.