
@5:46 - those guys’ posture is not MTA approved

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Kevin Everett, this site [well, one of these connected sites] even had a tribute to it this year, on its 10th anniversary.

Mentioned below, sous vide followed by cast iron is the answer.

There has been one characteristic I have been looking for to see a light at the end of the tunnel we’re presently in. And that is ‘introspection’ The left is largely emotional and hyperbolic right now, but a handful are starting to wade out of their wigwams of ice cream and weed to look around to see ‘are the

Between TJ Miller and Artie Lange, Pete has to be loving open forums about now.


You’re not worried in the least about a failure of reason, or a looming Holocaust that only you can end with your own fists.

Definitely a bot.

Jesus Christ, now THINKING THINGS THROUGH is evidence of fascism . . .

Not I. I’m busy remembering the word for individuals who deal with their emotions with their fists. 

So there is no actual fear. It’s a justification of initiating violence due to verbal provocation? Fighting words that don’t actually threaten violence?

If they can recreate the cinematic tension broken down here, I’m in

And that ‘something’ is what I’m trying to establish. Is it increased security or emotional release?

So is your acceptance of physical violence based on catharsis or preservation?

Appreciate the reply, particularly as one who actually enjoys differences of opinion so long as the parties remain amicable in the end. And really relishes the freedom to express oneself, even if imperfectly or inartfully on occasion.

Yeah, now that I think of it. He mentioned the existence of a no-show during that episode, then he mentioned that it was TJ and made the ‘very different’ remark at the start of the next show.

I’m a little confused. Is ‘all’ violence wrong because all violence is wrong? Or is all violence wrong because you sometimes might be violent against ‘one of the good ones’ by mistake?

Explains his no-show on Doug Loves Movies last week.

Brute Bladdersail

I’m surprised there hasn’t been a campaign to call him Mr. C since he wore that.