
Top third defense when your team is in the dumps overall and the offense is moribund is pretty darn good, foundationally.

It’s equally feasible to ‘think of’ compliments regarding physical attractiveness that don’t automatically translate to code for vaginal insertion.

What’s the point in assessing the quality as a compliment? Particularly a 5-second video. By the same reasoning, any attempt to compliment a member of the opposite sex is equivalent to ‘I want to fuck you’ as you put it. Only it isn’t.

I don’t view Ian’s actions to secure the church as altruistic or philosophical.

The rollout of the ‘distracting interpreter’ bit was exquisitely scripted.

What in tarnation?!?!

Nearly 20 years later, the embarrassment of Derrick Thomas’ Monday Night Meltdown still mars what is an otherwise leviathan legacy. Derrick’s was worse because it was on successive plays. Gronk’s is worse in the near criminal level of attack. This wasn’t overagressiveness in the heat of the moment. It was an assault

Maybe take some of those community college computer programming courses those coal miners are enjoying.

The Welcome to Hell song and the Chad sketch made for strange bedfellows in the same episode. On one hand, all the women of the world fear for their life at the portent of the gaze of any man. And on the other, a mob of wealthy women bid lustily for the company of a schlub.

The parents arguing about the man with the skimmer/scooper for an arm might be the hardest I laughed at a network sitcom this year. Had a real UCB/CBB improv vibe to it.

The perverse drive to assure the term ‘racist’ has no more stigma than ‘jerk’ or ‘douchebag’ marches on.

Dang it, didn’t scroll down far enough.  

Whatever the medical staff decides, I hope they don’t ragret it.

Someone should have briefed Lennie James that he was not joining Fear OF the Walking Dead before the Talking Dead facetime.

With that much money at stake, there has to be a way to eradicate bedbugs without burning. Surely cash would survive a week submerged in a bathtub. Or get a vacuum sealer and seal stacks of it in plastic, put it in a freezer after even. Boil? Steam? Chemicals?

Justified did it so so so much better

Ms. Conduct’s accent was enchanting. Mr. Mackey is a lucky man, mmmawllright

Have fun stormin’ the castle!!

IIRC, Ed and Terry were Steelers rookies together, albeit on diametric ends of the team investment spectrum, with Terry the #1 draft pick and Ed cut in training camp.

Even the bloopers were great