
Playing and attending aren’t the issue. Mass safety and liability in the getting there and leaving is.

Too bad he loved Greg Robinson so much.

Save it for the Mysteries of Laura reboot!

No, that’s totally Billy. His thing is picking random celebrity and running around and asking people for ‘hot takes.’

Who else - James Worthy.

“Yep, if only he’d had players like Larry Bird who had good fathers, oh wait......Bird’s dad was a drunk who killed himself.”

Seifert and Switzer are the anti-Grudens.

That’s it Raven. release the poison.

Who’da thunkit?

It looks to be the age-old situation. Pavement in contact with earth has the ice melt. Pavement that transitions to an overpass freezes. Lack of earth contact makes the temperature difference suddenly and drastically.

Tyreek gonna school them all.

Like you’ve never overbaked a stew!!

Osemele should be mentioned? What’s that you say?

white sox came - there’s a teenage laundry joke in there somewhere.

I have a special affection for this show because not one week before the premiere episode I did the EXACT thing he did. I completely disassembled my self-propelled push mower, replaced all worn or defective parts and reassembled. From the first wingnut to the smallest spring and jet in the carb,

They pimped them pretty hard on Better Call Saul.

Totally their right, but that’s some petty pansy bullshit.

I find myself consciously watching Westworld in a post-Lost world.

Like licking honey off Keira Knightly