
Well yeah. . . I was simply supplementing their babble by highlighting the tiny kernel of coherent thought underlying.

“Maybe they stole it cause the hood wouldn’t go down.”

Officer Stopsticks is the new ‘You Had One Job’ guy for all time.

Curious if this counts as nerd rage. As a pre-teen, I was relatively musically cloistered, as in my mom monopolized the radio with her country and western superstation in the days before personal Walkman and the like.

And I thought BOSE entering the induction market was going to ratchet the prices sky-high. . .

“tips the scales at more than 17 billion times the size of our sun”

Too slow. ;)

New slide rule? They don’t have calculators in Canada?

Reminds me of an ex who got raging mad over Nike’s ‘if you let me play’ campaign because females were asking permission to play sports, oblivious to the fact that it was female children asking their parents for permission, which is kind of the established power dynamic between parents and children regardless of gender.

Hey!! Remember when Mel Gibson was mad at his girlfriend?

Thanks Tosh.

I scrolled, and I scrolled, and I scrolled some more, until there it was. . . what I came here for.

I finally figured it out, Ol’ Roy is Arthur Fonzarelli’s own version of Dick Van Dyke’s l’il bro Jerry.

Yeah, you aren’t simply saying ‘that’s me, I know me.’ It’s recognizing your obligation to the court, ie ‘I acknowledge that you have charged me and expect me to return here to adjudicate those charges in the future. This is not something I am free to ignore, because I have acknowledged that this is my personal

The joke is Je Reh thinks it noteworthy [s]he might have sensed a hint of something that was obvious and open to all.

munchma quchi

Yeah, even when you know you’re straight, sometimes the full impact doesn’t hit you expressly.

Voters in Hillary houses shouldn’t throw stones.

Has a pro gay marriage ever won the Democratic nomination? Did Obama ‘evolve’ between 2008 and 2012, or just after 2012?