
No biggie. Just a personal tic more than anything. People like to rag on me for being too precise and ‘pedantic’ in casual conversation. But as soon as I try to be more casual in my conversation, the same people nitpick every detail I omit for informality.

Yeah, I wasn’t as technical and precise as I apparently should have been.

He’s simply pointing out that the cost reduction isn’t a reduction, but a subsidy.

If you’re talking about the telescope, it was a plot point in Goldeneye.

Re: the ‘great pizza/bad service -vs- mediocre pizza/great service’ question. Around here we have two places similar to the former and totally worth it.

Beat me to it.

H8's stink had nothing to do with its budget. I say this as an ardent fan of all of his movies [until now]. Only he and the Coen brothers own that clean record. H8's problem was it was a stage play that relied on exposition to carry it along.

Could I get a citation for that quote?

Weird, it looks like they mated an AMC Pacer with the Ford Thunderbird reboot. But its proportions are perfect.

Long suffering Chiefs fans know it well. Wince for a thankfully bygone era

He made a joke, . . . didn’t work . . .

Especially when the whole ‘this backlash is UNPRECEDENTED!!’ smacks of just starting to pay attention to sports a couple weeks ago.

I can not for the life of me reconcile the ‘reasonablity’ of Cam reacting negatively to an opponent’s braggadocio, and the ‘racism’ of viewers so much as rolling their eyes at Cam’s braggadocio.

Just when I thought as a Chiefs fan all this couldn’t get any worse, Drew has to call yesterday’s SB win Extreme Martyball.

He can’t go into the press conference and say all of that because then every starting quarterback in the league has the same excuse for not being world champion. ‘An extra second or two to make decisions’ is a luxury teams spend hundreds of millions chasing.

Yes, we know it means he accepts all success as evidence of his superiority over his opponents and curses the randomness of fate for his instances of failure.

‘Can’t imagine?’ I thought acclimatizing ourselves to exuberant celebrations of recent displays of physical dominance was our collective duty as a forward-thinking populace.

That didn’t take long

What you do and don’t notice is not the final word on the world.