
Did you mean ‘juicy lucy’ or did you actually mean O-Ren Ishii.

Calculiing the calculus is harder than one would think.

And the award for Jezebeliest post of the day goes to . . .

If you’re looking for journalistic aspiration, what are you doing HERE?

It’s mute at this point.

It’s truly neck and neck whether you guys get more fun out of the possibility of racism or the racists do being racist.

Chris Martin taking the piss out of the song on Extras broke the spell, now I can’t hear it without picturing his duet with Andy/Ricky.

Speaking of 1983, if you missed Hill Street Blues the first time around, you owe it to yourself. I consider it ground zero of modern drama. The TV analog of Bonnie and Clyde.

How much more do you feel Brian Fuller has in him. I watched and loved Wonderfalls, Dead Like Me, Pushing Daisies, and most recently Hannibal, and I can’t tell if he’s about to bust out like Wheadon post-Firefly or burn out from the network bean counting.

If you had to pick one factor, cinematography, storytelling, or serialization, which would you pick as the dominant factor in the ‘golden age?’

I believe Browns fans would tell you getting another play off don’t mean diddly squat.

Dominating the sports news cycle is now an indicator of importance? Sports happens every once in a while. Sports news is 24/7. You do the math. The sports news cycle is the CNN/FoxNews cycle on PCP.

But would Kelce murder baby Hitler?

Eff that, my bicycle, my Ipod and Forest Park go together like peas and carrots.

On Friends he was legitimately funny. If you want to see Schwimmer be a total tool, check out his recurring role as ‘Apartment 2B’ in the first season of NYPD Blue. He was the dude who lived in the same apartment building as John’s ex, and who turned vigilante after someone mugged him while he was doing laundry.

First thing I thought of.

The part that cracks me up about that movie most is when Duvall waxes poetic about all the custom crafting and body composition he’s going to do to make the perfect race car. Gonna build it all by hand. then in the next scene Tom rolls out in a standard issue NASCAR Lumina.

In the original Transformer’s with Shia. They show the engine in his car, which clearly has EFI and electronic ignition. Then, when Megan’s character, in her ‘sexy’ scene to impress him with her car knowledge. She points out that he has ‘a high rise with a double pumper’ and his ‘distributor is loose.’

Oh! That’s a Power Ranger. I thought Daft Punk had gotten into Mexican Wrestling.