You’re a good Destiny player. Everyone else is a bad one. Take your time, enjoy what they have built for us and don’t stress that you’re not the first group to finish the raid, 3 hours after it’s released.
You’re a good Destiny player. Everyone else is a bad one. Take your time, enjoy what they have built for us and don’t stress that you’re not the first group to finish the raid, 3 hours after it’s released.
It’s not mutually exclusive. I want to raid, but I also enjoy the new strike and the updates Sepiks strike and Supremacy and even just running through the Plaguelands and finding new stuff.
If you’re on Spacestation, I’m always looking for strike lists to run and I haven’t found too many people all that interested in the forge. I’m happy to enjoy what the devs have given us with like-minded individuals.
My point is that players chew through anything as quickly and with as little joy as possible just to get to the raid, so that they can then get through that as quickly as possible. Sort of a stop and smell the roses kind of point that I’m making here. The new stuff is pretty to look at and there’s a new patrol space…
You know, it always seemed strange to me that the people that complain the loudest about the lack of content are the ones that desperately try to find any shortcut they can to the end-game. If they were really so damn caught up on content, then maybe just grind the strike playlists or something.
+1 for the username. Good stuff.
I’d just like to point out that you bash a game that you don’t play to feel better about yourself.
I think it’s hilarious that he had it delivered to his work address.
I’m genuinely curious about the advice to play Seattle’s defense, against a 49ers offense that put up 27 points on Carolina’s defense. Is it a lack of better options?
I read that as an Uncle Tom for the millennial generation.
During a rally in 2016, Don King called black people “niggers”.
Even if it is a “fear thing”, that’s inherently racist to believe that you have more to fear from a black man than a white man. That’s like, the literal definition of racism - thinking one thing about one person and a different thing about another because of the color of their skin. If your line of reasoning goes,…
Self-selective information is a problem, for sure, but what does that have to do with the fact that police kill unarmed black men in the streets at a far higher rate than any other demographic group and face literally no consequences for it?
With a patch of The Taken King, they revamped how the light level progression system works. Now, whenever any engram drops, it’s all but guaranteed to be at least a few light levels higher than your current level and you can get leveled up really pretty quickly.
THAT’S what that soundbite is from. I read the headline, heard the soundbite in my head and it echoed from somewhere in my hazy childhood, but I couldn’t place it anywhere. that logic then Seahawks fans are also UW fans, making UW fans the same insufferable people that cheer for the Seahawks.
I think it’s interesting that, although the Chargers have fewer total giveaways of 17+ points, three of their four have come in the past in the past four years. Assume that our collective attention span is no longer than maybe two seasons. Maybe. 15 years of data is a lot for us to digest.
Did you not read the headline?
Jesus. Inbreeding has consequences, people. His daughter is the only one that doesn’t look like her face was constructed by cutting out various pictures of a magazine and gluing them together.
Insofar as me, a fan of a team playing in a different game altogether, had a butterfly-like effect on the Seahawks choking on Russell Wilson’s saccharide piety and leaving a giant holy turd on the field...yes. I 100% cost them the game.