
Is the US the same nation as Kenya or Jamaica? Please, cite your statistics on big leaguers (are you talking MLB?). Lance Armstrong was doping, got caught and had all 7 of his Tour titles taken away. Which athletes have impossible T/E ratios and are they Lilly King? Were either of the two swimmers taking HGH? Has King

Xenophobic? I’m moralizing about one athlete that is a known doper competing for a nation that was just busted for an institutionalized doping scandal versus one that has not been busted for doping competing for a nation that has never had a national-scale doping scandal.

I’m speaking directly to the commenter LPShea on how I perceive the conflict between these two swimmers. Try to keep up.

But there IS a line of legality versus illegality, regardless of whether you agree with where it’s drawn. King is on one side of it and the Russian is on the other, but you’re saying they’re the same.

It is an absurd system, but what does the US Track team’s connection to DHEA have to do with King? I thought we were talking about swimming.

If the Sixers end up winning the championship next year, I’ll eat all the shit my dog has left behind for the past week. And she shits a lot.

Just because someone (a girl!) is a better athlete than you are, doesn’t mean they’re cheating. Efimova was caught up in the Russian state doping scandal, AFTER two previous positive tests for PEDs, meanwhile King has never been implicated.

“I’m pretty down with Western civilization”

If you have hard proof that this thing was all about Hillary, I’d love to see it. Otherwise, just mosey on back to InfoWars with your conspiracy theories.

I think that’s a controller issue. Both my controllers have gone to shit since I bought the console (specifically for Destiny), but only one of them has the issue where it just stops registering that I’m pushing the left stick up. I try desperately to only use the functional one while I’m playing on my Striker Titan.

The gold standard involves calling the athletic department before the cops in felony stalking case? Are you sure that’s not the pyrite standard?

I wish this weren’t all true. I felt so haughty after the resurrection of the team in the post-Nolan era, but the current iteration of this team is more reminiscent of the losing team in The Longest Yard (remake, not the original...because we are the shitty team in the shitty version of a shitty movie).

This is how I feel about the people complaining about being banned. Don’t want to be banned and waste your money? Don’t cheat or hack or exploit, or whatever euphemism you’ve come up with to justify ruining the experience for other people because you have to win at all costs and can’t be bothered to actually get good

Of course it would be her fault. What kind of question is that?

Doesn’t mean it’s a good idea or beneficial to anyone, and if there are 300 million other people living in that house and you still feel no responsibility to them, then you might be a sociopath.

Forgive me, I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not. Such is cyberspace. If not, then thank you.

The good news is that that won’t happen. The right-waning Economist publication put Trump winning the US election as one of the greatest modern threats to the global economy. His business ventures are sub-par, at best. He has zero policy experience, whether domestic or foreign, and even the credit ratings agencies

Likewise! Just because I think something that challenges you, doesn’t make me wrong, out of hand.

I’m not quite sure you understand what a firebrand is. It pretty much describes both Sanders and Trump, precisely.