And a shout out to all those people that are trying against all odds to still make it work when everybody else wants them to get away.
And a shout out to all those people that are trying against all odds to still make it work when everybody else wants them to get away.
Actually, his moving back and forth between his parents and grandparents. Sounds like nobody could quite deal with him for long stretches at a time, by his own admission.
I would name this magazine “Shower and shake” because that’s my hair routine.
every single word in this piece is satirizing exactly the kind of piece people are reading it as. sarah miller, you genius
They are mentioned. Don Cobain (Kurt’s father) mentions Kurt going to live with his “mom and dad” for a time. It is in passing, but they are mentioned. The documentary does not try to be completely comprehensive about everything that happened to him. Dave Grohl isn’t interviewed either.
I haven’t seen the doc yet, so I won’t comment out of ignorance, but I just wanted to say that this is a beautifully written piece, JES.
Paul might have been slightly boring, but Paul has a heart. You can feel the heart and caring come through in his songs.
John Lennon was an abusive fuckwit whose jealous rage made him want control of every aspect of Yoko’s life, and he fucking sucked. Even if I can respect him as a musician, I am incapable of respecting him as a human being.
Nice throwback.... vindicated, I am selfish I am wrongggg..
The Toronto Star is basically the last newspaper in North America that does full scale muckraking (and I use that term as a compliment). Although sometimes it means they cross the line and tip over into yellow journalism (looking at you, Rosie DiManno).
The issue is that he was this public persona, and on the payroll of a publicly funded company. Many people really liked the guy and thought he was this really great person. He secretly was a terrible person, and I think that’s kind of earth shattering for some.
Fellow Torontonian here, and I agree completely.
I feel like Kevin Donovan is probably annoyed that his former coworker at the Star, Robyn Doolittle, got all the attention (and the book deal) after the Rob Ford crack scandal, and he and the Star see the Ghomeshi scandal as their next big cash cow. Especially since, after Robyn’s book about Ford got published, she…
And they always get the supermodel wife.
For Shakespeare, all the world was a stage. For Russell Crowe, all the world is his lawn. And we need to get off of it. And he’s keeping the ball.
Ms. Coker, you leave me in tears.
I would give ANYTHING for you and your friends to finally get that fucker’s name.
Bread to go along with the potato? Say what now?
Yay sisterhood! Sometimes I fantasize about attending a Jezebel commenters happy hour.