
Kanye actually took time out of his lucrative and successful music career to intern at Fendi. My understanding is that he showed up and did his thing just like the other, far more regular interns. And he actually seems genuinely passionate about design, particularly aesthetic choices in fashion that promote whatever

are you a cat

I'm just biding my time until I'm old enough where it's expected that my eyebrows are crooked and I have lipstick on my teeth. Right now I just look crazy. When I'm old, it'll be okay.

Now playing

For some of us, goth never went away. We just got older.

You know who has really great skin? Beck.

Like Erin says - "No one cares about your boner, guys."

Maybe I should eat one of those too. For my food baby.

A DOLPHIN RING i'm dying laughing. people who love dolphins are the same as people who love horses

Just soak and freeze some big old maxi pads? Please explain. Im terrified of giving birth

Snorted when I read "I had never professed a love for dolphins or the sea!" hahahahahahahaha

a fucking dolphin ring?! you buried the lede in that one. you didn't even NEED the rest of the story. just the picture!

I was told they lay your guts on you while pulling the baby out. You're *intestines* are laid upon you. OMG, no thanks. I'd rather poop on the floor in front of everyone.

I created an account JUST to reply to this.

It's the mark of a professional that you could keep a straight face through that.

The biggest hypocrisy in modern business. Like an abusive spouse, they want us to love our jobs, but make loving them as difficult as possible.

Actual feedback from an interview (paraphrased, because it was 1999):

I'm finding your story very convincing.

Can we start a pissing contest — weirdest thing you (or someone you know) has done to induce labor? Did it work? I'm snowed in, and probably will be again tomorrow, I need stories.

And no doctor wants to smell your spicy food you'll shit out during delivery.

I have no scientific basis for this, but I think you should just eat pizza until it forces the child out. In fact, I would like to go do this exact thing.