
Because I love my husband but thinking about naked ladies is nice, sometimes. It doesn't mean I don't think about him and us and how good it feels. I just also sometimes think about boobs. If my husband did not understand my love of boobs he probably wouldn't watch female positive lesbian porn with me.

Because you love them and you have lots of sex where you don't fantasize about someone else, but your mind drifts sometimes?

The CEO of our division switched us to Keurig when the receptionist who made the coffee (which was not part of her job description) quit and no one would pick up the slack.

Good for you! I used to train and mentor staff in my old job and was responsible for promoting women (not exclusively women, but...) from assistant jobs through to executive roles. I always counseled them to resist doing the coffee/ party/ cleaning work, going so far as to finally assign those tasks specifically,

He's also ruined at least one car (an Audi) because he did not realize that cars need oil. I mean, I'm not gearhead by any stretch and even I know that. (He thought the routine "oil changes" were scams that mechanics dreamed up to part him from his sweet white-collar money.)

"As a young intern, I learned the hard way that once you volunteer for this shit, it'll always be expected of you."

I got a coffee pot for my desk that no one else can use. I still make my own coffee, but no one else gets to drink the stuff.

The thing is, I just don't buy that thing about men not "being as competent" at the admin shit as women. I've heard this a lot, and it's such a crock. Answering the phone is a simple task. So are things like opening a letter and seeing that the contents are actioned or filed appropriately. Don't even get me started on

I work in small office and I'm the only woman. EVERY TIME we have meetings with consultants someone will ask me "Do you know how to work the coffee machine?" while we're all settling into the conference room. What they mean is "Will you make us some coffee?"

I am currently working in an office with a male coworker who is on the same level as me. Administratively, I am expected to take on more because he is not as competent. This means I do a majority of answering phones, dealing with clientele and duties that involve filing, database management and even creating

I really would like to drug test congresspeople. Out of curiosity.

I am, however, not against drug testing the goons in congress and our state legislatures who want to drug test welfare recipients. THROW ROCKS IN YOUR GLASS HOUSES, ASSHOLES

I bet Congress' fail rate is higher.

And Mr. Casada still gets paid despite passing and supporting clearly unconstitutional legislation. Doesn't sound like he is "behaving as he is supposed to."

The party of fiscal responsibility, everyone!

I'm just gonna say it. I love Bey. But 'Morning Phase' makes me weep. It's so beautiful. It's thoughtful and flowing and lovely.

In 10th grade Drama, I got the "Most Improved" award. Should I send that to Kanye, since he was slightly less of an asshole this time around?

I won first prize in the 3rd grade "Reflections" arts contest for a really nice pastel sketch I did of my mom's Christmas cactus. Should I....send that ribbon onto Beyonce out of respect for art? Or do I get to keep it?

Even behavior can be problematic. My sophomore English teacher decided that my habit of doing the homework during class instead of paying attention to the lecture made me a problem student. When she shuffled the seating order two weeks in I got a spot in front of her desk with the rest of the delinquents. I spent

I once found a page from a WWII rationing book in a book. That's the most interesting thing to date. I've also found photographs of someone's 2003 St Patrick's day celebrations (G rated) , and a goldtoned bookmark shaped like the goddess Athena.