So, Chelsea has had better media/PR training. Got it. (Definitely not a fan of the Palins and I do love the Clintons, but this comparison still seems unfair.)
So, Chelsea has had better media/PR training. Got it. (Definitely not a fan of the Palins and I do love the Clintons, but this comparison still seems unfair.)
Thank you so much for writing this, Erin/responding to my crazed tweet last night in which I asked if you were planning on doing the same. Sorry to re-post what I wrote in the comments on today's DB, but my thoughts haven't changed much, also I need to get this arbitration brief index done by the end of the day, and…
I just donated to the real White Ribbon, even Canadian websites are polite. Anyway, it felt good. I recommend it.
I just donated to the real White Ribbon Campaign and made sure they knew it was because of this asshole. Everyone who can afford to should do the same.
When my parents divorced, my mom had the stones from her (non-heirloom) engagement ring re-set into a necklace for me. She gave it to me on my 16th. :)
It's my opinion that this kind of pragmatism is the foundation of wonderful long term relationships. Best of luck to you!
I don't get why people don't just out sand say they're in it (it = the engagement ring bidnis) for the attention and the jewelry. Kudos to you for being out with it.
Not at all related to children, but I recently got a dog, and I've had several not so pleasant interactions when people reach down to pet my dog without asking. She's only a year old and has had barely any training (she's a rescue), and she's about 40 pounds and jumps on people when she's excited. She loves people so…
I used to work for the son of the guy who built steam catapult launchers for aircraft carriers. To say he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth was an understatement. Inherited around $80M.
Their kid is just adorbs, too. They're slowly growing on me, so whatever PR person they have now is doing quite a good job.
Shame on you.
While that is true, we have to accept that the well-being of children is something we're invested in as a society. That's challenging for a culture that is obsessed with independence and self-reliance. But ultimately, we are all invested in and served by excellent care of future generations of adults who will work,…
It isn't necessarily true. Your thought comes from this simplistic idea that the more time you spend at something the more your produce. I assure you that productivity is not strictly increasing in time always. If American companies learned other management styles those simplistic ideas (more time=more production)…
The last story was very sweet (Yay, decent human beings getting great service/great tips! Yay, racist assholes getting nothing but fire and brimstone!), but I gotta say, I'm a little bit in love with chivalrous beer pong dudebro.
Awwww... Thanks, Uber, I needed some warm fuzzies today!
Question...I tend to stack plates and silverwear, collect garbage and help the server out by handing them hard to reach items on the table. Is doing all that more of a hindrance or a help? I've never waited tables (but have worked in the food industry, so not missing out on the WHOLE experience) so I really don't know…
For the benefit of all moms, future moms, and happily child-free friends of moms, I will share the words of my amazing pediatrician when it became clear that breastfeeding was not going to work for me and my son despite my increasingly frantic efforts:
Watching her take off the make-up, the wig, the eye leashes - I'm a middle-aged Black woman with a voracious appetite for tv dramas. I have never seen a scene like that before. The whole dismantling of the facade just resonated with me. So many women I know do all that, the hair especially. What Ms. Davis did was the…
The way they set up that scene before she confronts her husband was just so amazing. She is presented all through the show as this pillar of glam fierceness (mainly because she is) but when she stripped everything bare and looked at him she totally owned it the moment. No makeup, No wig. Nothing. Just "I'm here and…