
Right? Making smacking noises while eating is annoying. Being a member of the Westboro Baptist Church is a dealbreaker.

This is fucking genius. Remove this post before someone steals the millions of dollars that belong to you.

how about button down shirts that are sized according to bra size and waist size? For example instead of my usual large size shirt, it would be 36D / 30.

Whoever made that video is such a Carrie.

This brings me SO much joy. The show was flawed, of course, but I still love it. (Notice I stopped at the show, because as far as I'm concerned, the movies do not exist.)

Hey, your spreadsheets match my spreadsheets! So, what are you doing later?

here's my sex spreadsheet

Mmhmm. So victims are those who don't "have power within"? You don't see how this is one small step away from saying rape victims = sluts with no self-esteem?

Because when you allow a person to be an individual and you allow a person to have power within and have confidence on who they are, you'll never have to look into the eyes of a man and question whether it's a yes or a no. She's gonna be very clear: No. She's gonna be very clear: yes. And she's gonna be in a position

it's weird because the sign is slutshaming rape victims but then her titty is also in the picture which makes me think I can't categorize her as a prude and those are the two categories we traditionally reserve for women. Maybe that's the point? She's using that dumb selfie to to destroy those archetypes and show once

As a heterosexual, married male, I must offer two responses to this article:

First, the positive: Thank you for the laugh. This was one of the most insightful, witty, cutting articles I've read in a long time—and it had me howling, until...

Second, the negative: I have realized I know far too many men—and far too many

i legit just came here to e-scream about how pretty she is but you came here first and did it so understatedly and now if i do it i'll look than i usually do.

Ugh. So beautiful.

I remember being in my twenties and the price of tampons seemed to be going up, up, up and I pictured a bunch of men in ties sitting around a conference table asking, "what are they going to do, bleed all over the place?"

I gave my pin to my friend, who's a gay man. He put it on his work bag.

I love that it comes with a pin. I mean, I'll never wear it. But I love that hustle.

I think it'd be a start to get women on boards at all.

Perhaps if you would realize that not every woman has the biological urge to become a mother, you'd be one step closer to accepting reality.

All I think of when I think of Kotex are their monstrous Mom tampons that are almost a goddamn inch in diameter.