
You don't need to say things to apply force.

One point - no one famous would say anything because Terry would never pull this kind of shit on someone famous. His ability to be a predator depends on young women who are without much power in an industry that chews through young women and spits them out without remorse.

I'm so glad someone finally brought up the parallels between sexual assault and wearing stupid hats. Someone clearly has their stupid hat on today.

Fabulous idea. I will put that as the audio for my Outlook schedule reminders. Whenever I have to go anywhere or do anything, it will say "You need to cut the bullshit".

Guy on the left is smoking hot, right? I'm not a weirdo for thinking this, even as he proceeds to reenact a small female dog eating an ice cream cone? Someone please confirm..

I've been pretty lucky because even though I started in my late 20s, my androgen receptivity issues meant that testosterone hadn't done an extreme amount to me. I was in a starting place between five and ten years maybe "younger" than a lot of MAAB folks of the same age. A lot of my more supposedly "masculine" traits

Awesome. I've never heard "handjibber"! I actually can't wait to tell a friend that one. I remember working the term "hand-shandy" into a conversation once and she almost died. I think handjibber will actually kill her.

First University of I Pulled This Number Out Of My Ass is very prestigious. I have masters from there in It's Science (Not Actually Science)

When my bf sent this to me last night he said "I find this incredibly insulting". We then went thru it line by line and before long we were both incredibly insulted. Good news is, we are much closer now than we were before!

If ever there was an argument for how fluid our constructs of gender and sex *actually* are, it is watching a person flip their sex hormones and watch how much it changes their body. Seriously, transphobic people- if people transitioning were doing something unnatural, why do their bodies get more traditionally

Can this site stop being so shitty, Shame on you for using Beyoncé as headline for this accomplish woman. You know that she was a thing way before Beyoncé using her work right?

It was over very quickly.

I suspect it shatters the fantasy for many of them. The girl that they're watching on their computers doesn't just live on the screen, she's an actual living, breathing person who is at their school... and she still won't fuck them in real life.

HAHA, exactly. In my first draft I had written something along the lines of, "Um, sorry commenter, but what had you accomplished by the middle of your freshman year? Perfected the art of 40 drinking? Learned how to do laundry without your mom's help? Explained to several women that misandry is real?" but it didn't fit

Why didn't I learn this in sex ed???? :(

As a female veteran, this burns me up. A lower enlisted member would probably be booted right the hell out with a dishonorable discharge and no pension, for starters. However, that also depends on the Command they're in. This is EXACTLY why Kirsten Gillibrand introduced legislation to remove authority over these

I love that she has UD Naked makeup and $1 brushes / fingers to put it on with.

... and picking the hairs from your cheap brush off your face! Every day.

Oh yeah, the make up in the hair. And similar hair at that! Every damn day.