
Of course, they never, ever talk with any actual autistic people. To them, if we don’t come out normal and perfect, we are ruined.

Again, not really understanding your point—as you keep answering your own questions, then refusing to process your own answers. Jackson wanted to be on The Simpsons, and so an episode was created for him. It was vital to him that his episode be kid-friendly (which it was). He’s not credited, but—as with Dustin

Now playing

Remember when Jarvis Cocker mooned him at the Brits? Good times.

I think a lot of people have trouble reconciling that this seemingly naive, childlike man could also be a confident, practiced, and probably remorseless liar. I think he got away with it for so long in part due to the fact that it was easy to convince ourselves that he was naive and innocent enough to not know what he

We made a devil’s bargain

I’m struck my his insistence that he would never harm a child.  I do think he believes he never harmed these boys.  That they loved him, and physically responded to him.  Therefore, it wasn’t wrong.  It was only the small minded who couldn’t see that these were loving relationships.  I do think he believed that.  Its

as the world finally catches up to the fact that she was a young intern who made a mistake was taken advantage of by an old white man in a position of power.

One of the shooters has been confirmed as (white, male) Australian. I’m Australian and it makes me sick that this exists here, but it does, it absolutely does. Australia, like the US, was built ON RACISM. Like, literally would not exist without it. It’s a foundational principal. And we only federated in 190fucking1.

woof. that seems harsh. especially the implication that sterilization is needed. feels a little eugenics-y. I get it - the idea that someone created something - anything - that is tied to a cherished memory: could make you defensive of the thought that they might not be a good person. I understand the desire to defend

O’Rourke wants to end the War on Drugs

Exactly my thought also.

Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.

Also, Kelly himself doesn’t deny that the parents believed their daughters would work with R. Kelly. There is no accusation from him that the parents offered these girls to him as sexual partners, just that the parents left them alone with them for professional benefits they might be able to get. He’s talking out of

Rich people being morons is one of our few defenses against them.

I have had essentially this conversation with my receptionist. She’s 22 years old and has a very happy family life and is pursuing her degree at night, but she still gets very caught up in the office gossip and politics. As the hardened 40 year old, I explained to her that work is not her life. It is how she pays her

Yes! This also feels similar to Monica Lewinsky being somewhat vindicated in recent years after being a punchline for so long. So many of these ‘90s stories that were framed in a very specific way were actually something completely different and I’m glad it’s being talked about.

Please stop defending him in any way shape or form. There are no mitigating circumstances with child molestation. He was a scumbag predator whose deeds rest solely on his own shoulders. Of course he had help-but no one was forcing him to destroy these boys’ lives.

I’m no psychologist, but that kid that just kept staring at him is definitely a sociopath.

Like, ugh the human body is so fucking gross omg.

If you didn’t have sex with the female patients, give a cheek swab and a blood sample.