
If they shot the show in realistically sized apartments, they wouldn't be able to fit the camera crew.

Exactly. And, surely, this is actually what abortion is like for some people? I've never had one, but if I got pregnant this would be me, only with the added novelty of scraping under the couch cushions for $500 in pocket change. As much as abortion isn't talked about much at all in popular entertainment, I think a

My abortion was that easy breezy, and I live in a western, Republican - governed state. My partner and I decided that night, booked the next morning, and while we were young and not financially well off, we put half on his credit card and half on mine. When it was over it was over. That was over three years ago and we

Lets be real here, if you have never cringed through writing your own hacky, far reaching cover letters you are pretty lucky. It's hard to keep your dignity while job searching.

Seamus, after that, started saying that love was work—and while I knew that to be true, I was unaccustomed to working quite so hard.

I am so happy that you got out of this relationship. Thank you for sharing your story, I wish you nothing but happiness in your future.

Wait, so it isn't that peeing before sex causes UTIs, rather it is not peeing after p in v sex that causes it. But if you truly have to pee, won't sex with a full bladder be uncomfortable and not worth it. Feels like another way to make straight ladies worry about sex rather than enjoy it.

the "same facial features"? the kitten lacks a beard, eyes not squinty. i'm at a loss for words

It's really sad that we - or I, I guess - have to feel SO much appreciation for the simple act of someone believing and understanding that the facility with which so many people have to question and disbelieve women when they come forward is such a problem. When people discuss how to solve the rape problem or prevent

Happy Birthday Long Ride. I hope you're doing ok. Turning 30 isn't the milestone everyone makes it out to be. In fact, you're only a day older than your 29 year old self. I turned 30 in an airport after a huge delay meant I had to stay overnight in Le Shit Motel with 2 cats and screaming 5 year old. We had to board

I tend to wake up early after I drink and that's my usual wakeup time so YES. Yes I did.

its a very long ingrown hair, it's really not that gross...

They're having more fun than any of us are at this moment, though.

The headline should read as "Person Under 40 Actually Wants Their Grandma On Their Facebook Friends List", under breaking news. I don't think I would even want to put my most favourite, awesome grandmother, my Oma B, on my list, if she were still alive... and I LOVED my Oma B. As it stands, it's already a bit creepy


i think it's possible to be over-archingly "gay" and still be attracted to one particular woman, so there's no inherent requirement in this that they actually not be attracted.

Especially if you remember that attraction isn't all down to physicality. Everyone has found themselves really, really wanting to touch

As usual, the NYPD aren't interested in doing their fucking jobs. They'd rather go to war.

I've never liked this joke bc it jokes about molestation. Not my cup of tea.

I should also add that Eminem is astronomically talented. Robin Thicke (as much as he's been actin a fool) is very talented and black people basically made him a celebrity before white people discovered Blurred Lines. We love Teena Marie, Adele, Amy Winehouse, Sam Smith, Jessie Ware, Little Dragon and countless other

It's like where are the "not all men" people when women are being told things like "but why did you trust him," "why didn't you ask what the pill was." not all men folks only pop up when we're being cautious and trying to protect ourselves but then we're told "not all men are like that" and that we should "stop living

I'd add that Wilson might even be able to go somewhere else, assuming he resigns or is "negotiated out" (and isn't just put on a desk job forever). Remember, before he came to Ferguson he was part of a police force that got disbanded by the local government for racial issues. He's bounced back from that before.