Madame Pamplemousse

Agree, agree, agree. My preventive visit this summer resulted in a $220 bill from my doctor, which the insurance negotiated to $160. What was included?

I have to disagree with your first part. Insurance companies, under the ACA, are bound by the Medical Loss Ratio. They are required to spend 85% of premium dollars (for large companies) and 90% (small) on medical care. If they go below that threshold, they have to send out rebates to get up to the threshold.

I actually have a friend who worked for him almost exactly that reaction when his nomination was announced.

Sounds just like the morons who are on and like Obamacare, who voted for Trump, who campaigned on repealing Obamacare.

So I’m sure that this won’t help a TON, but please don’t forget that they can’t toss you off of this year’s plan-so at the very least, you can get through delivery and a couple months post partum before you need a plan B.

I remember reading it as “control” too. Mainly because it made me do a double take, and I thought, “These fuckers are literally done trying to hide that it’s about control and power, not, you know, PRESHUS BABBY LIVEEESSSSS.”

It will lower premium prices for anyone who’s not sick, because insurance companies would be able to again sell the plans that don’t cover jack shit, which are illegal under ACA.

Shit, I’m white, and I’ve been thinking it too. Work in my deep red state has been rage inducing the past few days.

Nate Silver has put out his first forecast! Can’t link because I’m on my phone, but go hit up FiveThirtyEight.

I am SO glad someone else saw that interview; it had me seeing red when I read that line.

And in terms of completing the form, it’s only one. The first page has three fields to fill out, plus your signature, the second page is just a bunch of legalese about what happens next.