Mme Black Star

As allies, we need to stand when it’s tough, when we’re being yelled at, when we’re being criticized. We can’t just be allies when it’s easy.

Well, we all know conservatives like to trade in their women for newer models.

What gets called “libertarianism” here in the states is really just a brand of republicans that is “all in” on the free-market concept. They don’t actually care about the “liberty” they continually crow about (except where it benefits themselves - i.e. wealthy white males). Seriously, ask any “libertarian” about

1.) Defensive much? If you voted for Clinton, guess what, we’re not talking about you. So take a seat.

As a white woman who voted for Clinton, it’s some shit we absolutely need to still be hearing. Avoiding the harsh truth leads to complacency and complacency leads to trump. We need to be mad at our fellow white women and demanding that they do better in the next election.

That’s my fear, that the White Feminists will now start to embrace her or give her big ups for this. This woman has been saying some truly awful racist and sexist shit, and I don’t feel particularly bad for her. She’s been happy to mock feminists up and down for the past few months, we better not start embracing her.

Odd how many libertarians are opposed to abortion, but libertarism is fucking stupid.

We should be working together, not shoving wedges in.

It’s a point that needs to be made until the next election, and then the election after that, and the one after that, as well. Don’t FUCKING forget.

Seriously?! Stop. Just Stop. No politicians are making laws to stop and gerrymander your vote so it’s worthless, no police are checking your papers calling you illegals, saying you are not really American despite being here before America was a concept and no one is shooting your babies, husbands and or brothers down

As a white woman who voted for Clinton, I say flog away. #neverforget

Sorry man. I see your point, but with the Women’s March and all, you see white women being positioned as the chief opposition to Trump, and its worth noting that y’all are complicit. There are some people on here that are all for shitting on Trump, but when we talk about BLM or trans people being murdered... it gets

Nah, as a white female who voted for Clinton, I think we can keep flogging that horse until white females get our collective shit together and don’t vote in a majority for an absolute monster. We made this bed, and we don’t get to pretend it didn’t happen just because A FEE MONTHS have passed.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it on perpetuity to people like Tomi: You are not special.

CNN has been bending over backwards to pick up all the blond FOX rejects who are getting kicked out of the good ol’ boys club for not being sufficiently sexually compliant / perfectly blameless.

But you see back when humans lived in caves madness was a great evolutionary strategy for somethingsomethingcavelion and now humans can't help but to go insane when their evo pysch theories are questioned...EVOLUTION! BIOLOGY! SOMETHING!

Do not poke the armchair evolutionary psychologists. That way leads to madness.

Evolutionary psychology is bunk.

Or start dating all the younger guys that the 20 something women are turning down in favor of 35+ year old men.