Yellow Mendi

Unrelated comment that should have been a new thread but isn’t.

Comment posted too quickly for me to have read article in entirety. Condescending sentence calling out author for not including piece of information clearly detailed in paragraph 4 of the story. Follow-up referencing tangential or entirely unrelated fact betraying a shallow understanding of the topic based on half a

Comment reply that disagrees with the original comment due to a misreading of a clause in the original comment, but angrily so.

Comment that contradicts author’s post but in a passive-aggressive way to seem edgy, but really I’m just fishing for upvotes and hoping people will respond so I can call them out and spit vitriol at them.

a Final Fantasy Battle Royale is the weirdest thing I didn’t think I was gonna see today.

Ever Crisis I see massive appeal to if it’s basically just a remake of FFVII (mechanics intact) with higher fidelity visuals, which is what a lot of people were asking for. I actually really dig the style for that as well.

I’m a

Multiplayer was fun, and luckily, it was completely optional. It would give you guns and crafting materials for single-player mode as rewards, but the game didn’t even make you play it once.

‘cannot get enough of the necessary material to create the boob part’

This series makes no goddamned sense.

That Penny Arcade fear is something I think about that 2077 all the time. People hype it up so much that even if I’m aware of it, the game is going to disappointment me somehow and I’m making excuses for a game I didn’t even play yet

The biggest question lingering in the back of my mind as a longtime player of CK2 (and owner of 10 out of the 15 full-size DLC expansions for it) was “is CK3 going to suffer from the same problem that afflicts The Sims and end up feeling like all the features I paid good money for, I’m going to end up having to pay

The best thing they can do as a company is hire a single person who, y’know, likes Superman.

The middle one is essentially Psylocke’s costume.

I’m pretty sure you’ll fight him during the tutorial, get whupped and survive through pure luck, then spend the rest of the game trying to lift his mind control by taking out key Braniac targets.

Or your Moms can have the same name.

How the hell is a guy with a boomerang and a lady with a bat supposed to kill Justice League?

Anytime I see enemy levels and damage numbers I start to get nervous now.


Some people need to spend less time on the internet.

Some people need to spend less time on the internet. 

Isn’t feeling as though you’re part of the world the definition of immersion in this context?