
J-Lo: "If it gets too rough for you, the safeword is (turns to audience).....Gigli."

He was amazing on Doctor Who. He had a couple great episodes.

"Its real simple to do. As you can see, all that's left is for your lady to take the lid off the box."

*Please know that I did shower that night.

An ex and I decided we'd be adventurous teens and drove in the middle of the night in search of a motel for dirty, dirty sex. When we found one I suddenly had a very sour stomach which became the worst diarrhea I would ever have to date. It certainly ruined the mood.

Jesus, it's so bright I can't even think.

Kate, I can see your baby-space.

Chico's? They're having a FIRE sale?!

Michael Bay: I didn't invent the stereotype, I'm just lazily keeping it alive. *throws stack of money at Asian gong*

Fireball says. "Be excellent to each other."

Jesus. Hanging from a shoddy bar, and it looks like that bathroom outlet has shorted out more than once. That dude is not long for this world.

How about a little X Men 3? Wolverine finding Scott's Oculus helmet floating by.

Its normal. Ben Folds is just an expert at making people cry. See/hear: "Kylie From Connecticut". Heartbreaking stuff.

Don't call it that.

Man, that hairline has scoliosis. Crooked. As. Shit.

Wow, Ray Romano really let himself go.

"What's that beeping noise?" ?!?!?

The guy who drew the vomiting/diarrhea Panda...signed it?
