
Episode 1. Conversation over.

Its normal. Ben Folds is just an expert at making people cry. See/hear: "Kylie From Connecticut". Heartbreaking stuff.

Don't call it that.

Man, that hairline has scoliosis. Crooked. As. Shit.

InnerSpace beat them to it!

Wow, Ray Romano really let himself go.

"What's that beeping noise?" ?!?!?

The guy who drew the vomiting/diarrhea Panda...signed it?

Victoria Fletcher
"If that were true wouldn't Raph's sunglasses also be taped?"

So I was wrong with my post on the last article. Michelangelo has the hoodie on his waist and now he has gold chains around his neck. So HE'S going to be the ebonics-spewing ghetto cliche in this Michael Bay production.


You can think about it later and worry about what I thought of you in the past.

You can think about it later and worry about what I thought of you in the past.

You can think about it later and worry about what I thought of you in the past.

When I watch this movie on TBS in five years and see him open that stupid maw, I will think of you and feel smugly triumphant.

When I watch this movie on TBS in five years and see him open that stupid maw, I will think of you and feel smugly triumphant.

Yes! You can clearly see the exposed jaw and the teeth. I disagreed with you on Shredder until I saw that. Sheesh!

Jerry Bruckheimer didn't direct all his movies either, but they still have his skid marks all over them.

Odds are good that a) There will be stupid pop culture references b) Casey Jones will be a horribly offensive, ebonics-spewing ghetto characiture and c) the Ninja Turtles will have visible testicles.