
that makes one of you

You've already thought too much about it…

Who gives a shit about the rating or how it came about…. let's just have a good movie.


agreed. i think he's awful

That would at least make me like Rollo again.

no thanks

Without Ragnar the only interest I have now is Ivar and Lagertha

it was pretty clear

i have no idea why you even commented

I didn't say the END OF THE MOVIE

your point?

Weakest epsiode yet… looking forward to the next one though. Left me wanting.

made ya look!

wholesale laughter?

You mean a Mayanlash?

You're just being difficult on porpoise.

so you are defending her by pointing the finger at others?

I realize that SHE IS A JOKE. No explanation needed.

I have no idea how that is supposed to be in response to my comment.