Mike Librizzi

She was not...

I TOTALLY believe a 10yr old Jag caused the fire.

Executive: "The K900 is doing so well! Lets build another competitor in the segment!"

Why doesn't he just fly there in the IAMAUTO?

"The all new Land Rover Discovery, because poor people deserve airbags too."

"What if we made a car that's really, really good?" - VW bosses before making this XL1 with a Ducati engine.

You can get Patrick to show up in your life for a free beer and maybe some Jimmy Johns. Getting him to move on, however...

I want to pick up one of these engines off a wrecked car and put it in something confusing. Like a Lincoln Towncar.

You're absolutely spot on. I like how the Asterion has more filigrane lines than current Lamborghinis. I wouldn't go so far to compare it to the Miura though. The front looks too brute to me.

Hybrid Lamborghini. That’s what you call “jumping a bandwagon”.

It looks just like a rendering off of a Porsche Cayman. The thing is, the last time there was a leak of a Lamborghini like this (with the Huracan), everyone thought that was just a speculative render and it turned out to be the real thing.

C3 last? Why?

They used the wrong vehicle...