So you must be angry with the black Israelites and their serious homophobia huh?
So you must be angry with the black Israelites and their serious homophobia huh?
Uh... yeah I just chose a random comment on which to reply just t to the thread... I wasn’t really addressing you specifically...but great job on the farm-league attempts at insults that I can find at any Wal-Mart between the laminate furniture and Folgers coffee.
Please stop acting like your people are oppressed or even in close to the same situation as blacks. You are not.
I think you are confusing “Queen” with “strident, self-righteous woman up her own ass”.
Ha! So, I just came here while reading Black Panther reviews. I am familiar with The Root, which is a forum for blacks ( no, not “People of CColor”, blacks - minorities in this nation voluntarily do not get to take up the same mantle of victims and oppression, your experience her does not come close to those of black…
LOL... You got berated and insulted by a black woman despite your best efforts to be a good little sycophantic ally, and your only response is more self-hating and self loathing about white folks.
Dude, you are a straight cuck.
Ha! I just came here while reading Black Panther reviews... I am familiar with the root as a site for Black advocacy (no, not “people of color”, blacks specifically, which no other minority can claim to relate with respect to experience in America except maybe natives and Hawaiians).
So, if one reads and disagrees, one is “part of the problem”? This suggests that the author’s Op/Ed pieces are undeniable fact... like physics... something I don’t even think the author would suggest.
What do you mean “fix”? They are the world’s most successful company and are obviously doing things right. They need to continue to what they have always done, hire on Talent. You don’t get to automatically displace Caucasians because of feelz.
Yeah, we should probably have the same policy for MS-13 gang members, Crips, Bloods, and skinheads that are dying in the street.
I find it highly disingenuous that someone who i am confident subscribes to every new progressive platitude developed this decade, such as “cultural appropriation”, “cis”, “non-binary”, “trigger warning”, “safe space”, and “micro-aggression” (all of which have been coined for political purposes) somehow objects to…
Oh please... “Stormfront”, sheesh... if you only knew.
No I don’t mean Caucasoid nor do I mean descendants of colonizers, I mean the Caucasian Race:
‘Cause I didn’t use the full name.
Yeah this is the internet so I am certainly not taking anything personal... “Telling people the shit society has been doing needs to stop” is a pretty broad statement. What does that even mean? The fascist left is the one incapable of dealing with a diversity of ideas, thus their using violence to suppress…
Are you seriously asking that? I have only responded with that because you and “Hocus” continued to ignorantly claim that I “looked up” Pinoy, suggesting that I didn’t know what it meant when I did. I am pretty well versed on the different regions of Asia and their differences.
LOL... hilarious... The idea that you dismiss my statement as boring simply betrays that you just don’t understand the concept.
No, I would expect most adults to know a few European nations, but the truth is, the people of the Arabic world and even parts of Africa were considered caucasian as well, including peoples of Asia Minor, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, as well as parts of Asia.