
So, the thesis here is that any caucasian person that is near-death should just be left to die? Do you need to establish that they are an active racist, or do you just go with the growing (in fringe groups) narrative that all white people are inherently racist because they are beneficiaries of an inherently racist

If we got rid of racists and bigots then many people of all shades around the world would be eliminated, because racism and bigotry comes from all types of people around the world. You don’t have to feel guilty or self-effacing because you were born caucasian.

How is what Matt said not legitimate? Just because he has an opinion different that you? Are you just looking for a giant helping of groupthink in these comments? Of course there are dark corners of the internet dedicated to insulting and threatening people of color, and there are also sites dedicated to slamming

I wonder how many of the posters here insisting that this is just passive speech that is part of our national discourse and should be allowed (which it is) supported left-wing fascists who used violence and intimidation, supported by the collusion and tacit approval of left-wing academic elements at Universities, to

Please don’t put yourself and other asians in the same category as other POC’s... you have not had the same or even similar experiences in The United States as African-Americans. You are a well-integrated, submissive, non-threatening minority group that has integrated into the United States well. Going all

Yeah, like all of these left-wing groups using violence to shut down invited speakers at college campuses with whom they disagree? Fits your description perfectly.

“Because my rapist was black it was really difficult for me to call my rapist a rapist. I felt like I had let my community down and like I was enforcing stereotypes.” Someone please crack a window and let some of the B.S. out of the room...

OK, OK, I see... based on my non-infammatory comments that are still being banned, I am starting to het it... “Jezebel” to rape what progressive is to “racism” are obsessed with finding it, and if you can’t, you will manufacture it, make it up, or simply presume it, and anything that contradicts that narrative

uh... he was found not guilty.

He was found not guilty.

He has not been found guilty.

I am uncertain why this comment is not allowed to be displayed. It is not inflammatory, is relevant to the discussion, and factual. Is it because it does not reconcile with the predominant narrative?

  • Kobe Bryant rape accusations…False

Your manufactured rage and misplaced anger are unwarranted.

Your manufactured rage and misplaced anger are unwarranted.

The constitution is relevant because it guarantees that a citizen can face his/her accusers and should receive a fair trial when accused of a crime. The Univwersity applied a lower standars, and used their arbitrary process to deny this man his Athletic Legacy, his Academic pursuits, and thus his future, based on

  • Kobe Bryant rape accusations…False

So because of the University’s “lower standard”, they can destroy the sports legacy, academic pursuits, and essentially the life of this young man, without a trial? Bollocks. I hope Yale has to pay at least $20 million.

  • Kobe Bryant rape accusations…False
  • Kobe Bryant rape accusations…false