I think the social construct is the idea that race is a social construct. I think you’ll find that everybody throughout time has has had ideas about Us and Them, but they change periodically. For example, there is an ethnicity called Hispanic that seems to exist just in the U.S., but some people are trying to evict…
A really important fact that somehow doesn’t ever get mentioned is that as citizens of Visa Waiver Program countries, any French or German citizen who was a member of ISIS could show up at any airport in the US and as long as they weren’t on a terror watch list, they’d be let in as a tourist immediately with no real…
You know they never check if you’re a senior, right? One time I tried it an AMC kiosk and then just waltzed on in to watch like two bucks worth of stolen movie. #memories
I just want everyone to get the fuck off my lawn you are killing my hydrangeas. This is California water does not grow on trees.
I would care less about their calendar if they didn’t waste taxpayer money on Benghazi and PP witch trials. Like if they ACTUALLY got stuff done.
Just a heads up to any women who might be in a similar situation - Do NOT ask them to delete the video/photo. Its evidence, and without it there is no legal ramification.
I love how white men that claim to live in fear of ‘government tyranny’ and believe that it is righteous to rebel against it are the first ones to insist that all black people should strictly obey every police officer like a submissive dog.
I’m a guy, and this horrifies me more than I can express.
What 26-year-old man other than a sexual abuser and/or rapist would be even remotely interested in a 14-year-old child? That’s something I will never understand.
This is possibly the first time I’ve ever wanted to hang out with Kim Kardashian. Love this so hard.
Wow, all the first comments are in favor of permanent, lifetime punishment. Murderers don’t receive this kind of treatment after their release from jail. What he did was horrible and he deserves to serve some time in jail and lose his college acceptance to Harvard. However, I have to believe in the possibility of…
Amy Adams on her social life: “I’m waiting for Jennifer Lawrence and Amy Schumer to invite me to their party!”
I read the worst thing on Facebook the other day and I just really need to share, “This quote my client said to me always makes me tear up: ‘your daughter grows up and becomes a wife but, your son is your son for life.’” I FOREVER NOW MUST TYPE IN ANGER CAPS BECAUSE WHAT IS THIS? WHY? HOW CAN YOU EV? I JUST!!!!!!!!!!!!
It’s my FAVORITE! I also love when people tell my husband it’s so sad he works all day and then “has to” cook for me. Nevermind that he loves to cook and I clean up and we tackle our household as a team based on strengths not genitals. FUN.