
I'm just gonna say it. I love Bey. But 'Morning Phase' makes me weep. It's so beautiful. It's thoughtful and flowing and lovely.

1. Beyonce was probably the best album of last year and Beck winning the Grammy was probably another example in the long line of examples of the old dopes running the Grammys being old dopes.

Taylor, Prince would like to have a word with you.

but what would it be about? Would it be like a Return to Neverland thing, where its about her own kids(s) interacting with Beetlejuice? Is Keaton returning as Beetlejuice? Did he ever get his head unshrunked? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!!


Lohan puts the Quit in mosquito. (sorry, i'll show myself out now.)

oh he can certainly mess with the queen bee

Not to mention he is gorgeous (those eyes!) and seems like a genuinely classy person in interviews. Also, he has publicly supported the right of the Catalans to vote on their independence.

Tell me again how simple it is to just tell a guy no. When someone literally has to fake their death to get rid of you, maybe its time to reevaluate your life. She's nicer than me because I would've been all " I faked my death to get away from a Stage 5 clinger like you!"

Sooooooooooo... they ate their whole meal, probably ran poor Miranda ragged (because they are dicks) and then, after being provided a service, refused to pay her for it? After getting $50 off of their meal from a Groupon? Holy shitsnacks, I want to punch something right now, but I'm in the office and that's

And THIS is what I find so infuriating about 'pro-lifers' in the United States.

because women aren't people, and potential babies might be boys and later men — who are people.

If the anti-abortion nutcases in this country have their way, this will be us before long. God damn these fucking zealots. Why aren't the lives of women considered more valuable than a cluster of cells?

She's doing much better than that punk brother of hers

Oh Madeleine, you don't take your legal drinking age into Hollywood afterparties, either. The legal drinking age there is "can you afford to be there?"

Word. Same goes for some heterosexual women, actually — I used to work with a woman who would slap my ass as a joke all the time. She liked to startle me with it and then chuckle about how I was prudish. But I'm not prudish (I actually hate the term prude every bit as much as I hate the term slut). I just don't like

Ummm if your partner ever passes out you should stop fucking them and get them the medical attention they need (if any)... not just keep going until you're done.

Agreed. That, and they specifically address and then dispose of the "But he totally wanted it" excuse, going so far as to say "That is what rapists say." They also didn't shy away from using the word rapist or raped. They could have easily gone with "took advantage of" or something like that, but they didn't.

The fact that Abbi understood that it was wrong and called herself a monster is what sold it for me. Both rape moments in the episode, the Male Stacy one and when Abbi unwittingly kisses a 16 year old later, are immediately followed by "WHAT DID I DO??" not high fives. Still uncomfortable stuff, but that's what makes