
Yes, but not all of us want to ever wear a full length gown. I was very unhappy with the couple of times I was a bridesmaid and was forced to wear a long dress. I said it then, and I'll say it again when I do get married: My legs are too damn sexy to be covered up!

YOU LIE! Ariana Grande didn't come in until 3:01. That means I had to endure 3 whole minutes of country music. Excuse me, my ears are now bleeding.

LOL. Mine is just called KICK ASS. I guess I'm optimistic?

But I love BOTH! I have enough love to go around for dogs & cats. I refuse to choose. So there!

I voted from abroad! I took me like an hour to find the damn bar that it is totally hidden to register and vote. Then another hour to vote. I should get a cookie! Where is my cookie?! That aside, if I can do it, so can you!


Who is wearing the thong dress? Bristol? In public? Why?

How is it different from a grilled stuffed burrito? It's like the same but with melted cheese, no?

You got her last name the first time, but misspelled it the second time. It's Peña. There have been discussions about how disrespectful it is not include the ñ in her last name. Will you fix it? Please and thank you!

WHATTT??!! How did you not notice? Or maybe I just saw that movie far too many times...

That's really great! It's always bothered me that men are supposed to propose to women. I mean, isn't marriage a mutal decision? Aren't both partners choosing to spend their lives together? Why is it up to the man to propose? Actually, I know the answer to that one: history and patriarchy. But, anyway, I love to hear

Yeah, I'm majorly bummed. And I hate that the majority of people are like, "I would, too" or "Yay!". I say, "boo!" Culture dictates that married women take the husband's last name and for once I would like a woman (especially a public figure) to vocalize that she has a choice in her last name and to elaborate on the

THIS. The show has major potential but the traditional sitcom format is all wrong. It kind of reminded me of The George Lopez Show, which I did not like even though I thought George was a hilarious stand-up comedian. It reminded the bf of The Cosby Show. I think they're trying too hard to make it seem like "a

When I was in high school, this kid was shocked that a fellow student peed in the shower. Then, he asked me if I had ever peed in the shower. Sure, I said. His reply: "Weren't you raised Catholic?!" Unfortunately, yes, but, um, what?

I'm in Santiago since it is where there are the most job opportunities. I would say that if you are really committed to working in Chile you move here and take ANY job (teaching English is the most popular). You have to meet people and make connections in order to get the job you really want. Getting a visa to work

I read the book! Except I totally forgot about it until just now. I was reading your article thinking, I know this story... Did I already see the movie? Turns out I'm so traumatized I completely blocked the book out of my head. Thanks for reminding me!

My childhood friend's mom used encourage her daughters to call it a cookie. As in, "did you wipe your cookie after you peed?". It bothered me then at age 7 because WHY CALL IT A COOKIE?!! It's not anything like a cookie.


I work at a university. My field is public health and I had an extremely hard time finding a job in it. But I persisted! As a gringo, it's pretty easy to get a job so long as you're flexible and get a visa. What is your field? What city did you do your study abroad?

I hate it when USA influences other nations for the worst. :(