right... she was bam boozed by that ass and it reeked of dominance and good old boy bullshit. See you around Matt ...
right... she was bam boozed by that ass and it reeked of dominance and good old boy bullshit. See you around Matt ...
no one seems to be denying this stuff....eventually it will happen when lies are told but for now.. no one is saying...no never did that.
ot all men.. careful
Dunham is a big fat mess... she can take it any way she wants... clearly that is what she does anyway.
didn’t this woman have some thing to do with Gawker falling. that is in it self terrible. she is gross... dont care to look up to her. foul
its all very CW vague..
what the hell is going on... did some one open a can of human worms?
he probably a friggin genius ..
diddo times a million...
Women are finally getting the chance to take back their well deserved power from these awful people who are narcissistic asses. Im thrilled to see this in my life time. So many things are changing ...
its not interesting to me... and I represent many people who are bored with famous insecurities...
dude... with respect... this is not rocket science. how hard can that be. one rule. Dont get in other business.... Period.
I respect women and men both because some how in the 50+ 60 + 70-’s I learned how to behave. Im not a predator of anyone and Im proud of it... some had a different path and Im guessing the male parent or figures were not good role models
just like many women. I dont like bashing anyone.. .we all need to communicate. What is right in our lives and what ia wrong in them. That keeps us all clear to bed friendly and kind and loving.
I agree... this can get so sensitive that no one will ever show kindness and and then people will complain auto that. Speak up to help us all make the transitions that need be. dont wait for a lawsuit. communications is what this is about. This is the stuff the helps us all.
do you actually eat it... if so ... I would look into that... everyone hates that crap
agreed... to each his own. eh?
I will say.. I like it.. .its about time for people to let this shit go.. it runs their lives. Good for him... I laughed.... Im done with it all and moving on. Dont care what others think and he doesnt either and its about time.
clearly this is a bigoted woman who is jealous of the person she attacked. I for one am grateful she said what she said so that people will see bigotry can come from anywhere. to expose it by the actual biggot is really the best and easiest way for it to surface. come on downfall you biggest... what do you think?