anything is possible if you choose not to be a racist. its a natural law.
anything is possible if you choose not to be a racist. its a natural law.
does this sound racist on the Gizmodo to anyone?
is she getting paid for this while in office of US government????
OMG ... he watches too much tele
I feel like everyone has an inaccurate spin on everything.. and its down to who’s right and who is wrong. those are no the bottom line .. .really . it show right or wrong you real are. nothing wrong with liberal progression unless one is so tight assed that its down to the verbiage. we need to learn to listen. …
its the good old boy network acting this way.. their are racist and bigots and the sooner they leave the sooner we will all be going in a direction that we need.
time for a change in that. Jus tubing himself in the wings will eventually solidify how much better of a president than dt is... at some point those who voted for him will actually say... I wish Obama was still prez. Cant wait till that day comes. At the rate dt is going it wont be long.
its interesting but Id like to hear more about potato boys. just in case Id lake to use it later on in life.
lovely and pleasant person you are
“fuck off” with your fear and guilt .. its annoying...
just because your life is fear based does not make it the reason to start making laws on how people should retain their dogs.
that is how I see it.. and the guy who moved into the shoulder sort of gave the biker the go ahead. that is not cool..
I think cops should fill out a questionnaire before they get the job and it has to be questions that frame the characters so if they are off even a bit they have to either go back to cop school or dont get that job. this stuff is getting old. no one doing anything about it. Rodney King is dead and gone and how m…
no..... not the parents fault so I see.... the lesson is watch over and keep in touch with your children. ..... the gun was from a friend...... no blame... good parents... seemingly...
whats with the bunny judgement ....
Im not sure what makes him a dumbass.. he seemed to survive it all. As if he had done before. Daring and adventurous .. .I’d use those words... rather than your own intelligence comparison. 🤔
I think most people address dogs by the perception of what age they think the dog might be (visually). That is what I do... I decipher what Im seeing and go from there. I dont automatically turn into a goo goo gas person
shit stirring... love it... equality for everyone !!
there are a lot of ignorant businessmen running the government and it has to stop or well all be in trouble
I saw it and beg to differ... he is accomplished and mature comedian.