
Ive already begun my plant based diet (if you will) to exclude animals ... my conscious or being or what ever you call it has made jump to the undersigning that these are below creatures and I cant do it anymore. They are still brutally slaughtered at my request and I cant do that anymore. This is not to sway

I think its time for male contraceptives to take over.

keep at it... its one of those they really dont want you to read.

this is awesome... I neve gave up on journalism.. .it just needed some real poop to get back to the invetgtive reporting we all need. Imagine if they were not there folks..... this would be a horrible world. thanks guys

no need... making the balance off. cant you go the other way man. how long you gonna do this???

great story... what a cool guy to do that. I hope that I am that person too if ever need be. proud of that human for sure!

its all ignorance ... plain and simple ignorance.

this simply shows the ego of all of them... one day they will ask why no one is watching. Int wait for that day when we all are valued.

I absolutely was not immersed with this. I have seen way better my opinion.

guessing more was going on... when people are over the top you can calm them by being calm and eventually they will becalm .....better than getting orally wounded from rage. the averages are against us to relate to this stuff crazy like the crazy person. the end result it very obvious. tears.

chicken ... worried about his career. embarrassing....

I disagree... that hat was implemented like many other things in the trump campaign to alter peoples choice. it made a difference. stupid is as stupid does.

what sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander folks

he is worried because now that Trump is in reflects on his shaky carrier ... a support move that should have not happened. now his support is losing ground. As will most of these idiots who did not think about who much trouble DT would be in our regular progress of humanity. A good lesson will be learned here

speaking of fitting your agenda. mirror mirror. And for once will someone defend Mrs Clinton. Its slanderous to say these things that are not even valid enough for a courtroom. those who speak like this ...actual parrot information they have heard. Please get smarter.

bottom line is Kelly Ann ..... like Trump lucked out and got in a big place.Thats a little scary .... Now we have to work harder

that might be what happens. reining her brand. the end result of vulgar greed.

can you read?

can you read?

blah blah blah...

oh god... 4 years of this...