
It seems odd that someone claiming to be raped would then make a porn video, which is what this is. It is also odd that feminists would defend the act of a woman making a hard-core porn video as empowering. That is the exact argument porn stars have made for years, which feminists have laughed at.

She didnt get raped. She just didnt get raped. Does nobody ever read the background and the details, the experience of the boy concerned...why is her word automatically taken over his? There is no due process here. And what she has done isnt empowering. Its bullying, plain and simple. She ruined someone else’s life

I went out with my rapist again twice before I worked out what happened and how I felt about it.

I don’t know. If I tried that with any of the women I’ve been with I’d get a kick in the balls, and the relationship would be over. Also “enthusiastic consent” works both ways - which means women need to say “no” and to not consent enthusiastically when it starts to go the wrong way. There may be an argument for

I’m more suspicious of the “missing you” and “I love you” texts in the following months than the actual mechanics of the sex. Victims typically don't try to be with their attackers.

Yeah, I get that. She is also really young and has received a lot of backlash for her first piece, so I can understand why she wants to control the relationship between her work and her audience so heavily right now. I just hope as she evolves, she’s able to give her concept (which is interesting I think) a little

I’m sure you’re not the only one, but you’re objectively incorrect. There is abundant evidence that shock, panic, denial, freezing up, and dissociating from your body are statistically *far more normal* responses to being plunged directly from a situation where you feel safe to one where you feel violated. You can

1) because she’s a narcissist

2) because he was a narcissist, and an asshole, and she still is.

You missed the big ending, the part where the mallard ducks are released. Mind blowing.

I can’t stand most performance art because so much of it hinges upon the assumption that the artist doing the performance is JUST SO INTERESTING. No. No you are not. And in Sulkowicz’s case, you can only milk your victimhood for so long before you start to come off as a crass opportunist.

Agreed. And then there’s the hokey title which is also a nod at another artist. I think this is pretty terrible and not for the reasons that people are attacking her for. I just find both her projects so far to be very facile and obvious and so far my impression of her is that she’s a very manipulative and kind of

Does it depict rape? “Ceci N’est Pas Un Viol” means “This Is Not Rape” and she explicitly states that it is not a reenactment of the Nungesser incident.

I don’t believe this is art. It appears to be an attempt to influence the debate about the alleged rape by Nungesser, by staging a re-enactment. By dating the video as the same date as the alleged rape, she is making a clear comparison to what she says happened on August 27, 2012: consensual sex followed by a slap,

That comment section is about to get so ugly. And THAT is the real performance piece. We are the subjects, not the video.

Working form the bottom of your post:

Yeah, I tend to agree. . . . it’s REALLY hard for me to separate the following feelings: 1) What do *I* like as art (and usually feel totally comfortable dismissing as crappy if I don’t like it)?, 2) What do I think is good political art?, 3) What do I think is the right path for discussions about “rape culture” to

why do you have so many hands tho, yo.

I’m really conflicted here.

I’m nothing if not the funniest man of 2011.

Now playing

She is trying to make us complicit, men and women both. It’s a statement on our own participation in a patriarchal system in which rape is both reality and metaphor. Think Yoko Ono: