Takes the cake for best Ford Escort II rally footage ever! Sequential box, co-driver just as much of a lunatic as the driver, wicked-fast pace note delivery never misses a beat. . . Oh mah, A’hm gettin’ the vapors!
Takes the cake for best Ford Escort II rally footage ever! Sequential box, co-driver just as much of a lunatic as the driver, wicked-fast pace note delivery never misses a beat. . . Oh mah, A’hm gettin’ the vapors!
Ding ding ding!!! We have a winner!
For me Grand Prix Legends continues to be the bar to be held against all others. Would really like to see a new version of this game come out with all the old original tracks. Much time spent driving in that, the Ferrari with all the plug ins used to be my absolute favorite. Someday I will have to get the old game and…
Nice aircraft, I think they would have sold more of these than bland bland bland if they had pursued it.
He has it facing the wrong direction... And perhaps upside down?
Yeah, just a really great guy all around. Go Tajima!
Yes, I agree, I think he was a very determined racer in his day but he did come across as something of a cornball, no disrespect intended. I met the man three times in my life, always curt but cordial which is to be expected from a celebrity with as much exposure as he had. Here’s hoping this new movie is better than…
My sympathies, glad to hear your pet-child is okay and on the mend.
Oh dear me, would love to have this in my garage so bad. . . . I may have to turn this into my wallpaper. . . Kudos to whoever built this, very nice execution.
Looking forward to it. I met Paul three times at race events, of course because he's a celebrity he was a bit curt in his responses but that's understandable. I remember there's a really old documentary about racing featuring him and as much as I like him as an actor and a race driver it was kinda along the lines of.…
Well, two carriers I could see with space between them for passage of smaller ships or watercraft. Three carriers end to end essentially locks out that waterway.
If I had unlimited amounts of money to buy any sports car, yacht or aircraft this would absolutely be at the very, very top of my list of aircraft to buy.
Wow, I remember going through this hellhole back in the 1970’s and it sucked back then. Water stains on the ceiling tiles, general filthiness, just appalling in every way possible. Surprised (or not?) that nothing has changed. That’s quite a crappy airport that you remember how bad it was almost forty years ago.
Agreed, everything about this screams about abuse by those in power. This needs to be barred from use on US soil and overseas use in a war zone only.
Conflict of interest anyone? Hope Tesla and Musk sue the hell out of these people and force them to obey the rule of law instead of the law as they contrive it to be for their own warped needs.
I remember when this car first came out. I went down to the showroom to look it over, lifted the hood, cut my finger on unfinished metal on the hood latch mechanism and waited for the dealer to locate a band aid... Noped the hell right outta there, never looked back.
Years back there was a civilian one parked at my local muni airport. I had always wanted to go up to it and get a closer look, now it's gone and I missed my chance. . . One of the most beautiful planes of it's type ever made. Of course one has to appreciate certain kinds of beauty for it to make sense but the Bronco…
Time after time I have to wonder if this country's military air forces are setting themselves up to win wars or just parking a bunch of expensive toys on shelves with the hoped for knowledge they'll never be used. Cancel the A-10. Retire the OV-10 Bronco, retire the A-6 Intruder for the Navy, buy the more expensive…
His balls are highly flammable and shoot sparks when they light off?
My bad but still, two thirds of the weight of a Honda Fit. Whenever I look at one now I'll be thinking of the Audi R-18 and that it's only two thirds the weight of that car yet goes 200+ mph. . . Stunning...