
Ferrari 512 had a boxer engine, don't find anyone calling those a Volkswagen. Same with the Subie. Not a VW Beetle. . .

They need to fly this over the Yakima WA facility as well as the East Coast version. Pull these assholes out into the sunlight and let the vampires burn!

The douche force is high with these ones. . .

Needs more width, ability to fix suspension in field quickly to get out of hot area. That is the key. Defend repair of suspension, get it out of danger zone. Win! Also design suspension against takedown anyway.

Would have watched it all the way through if it wasn't for the crappy Emo music. Seriously WTF?

Absolutely agree. In every way they have crossed their 't's' and dotted their 'i's'. Nothing, and I do mean nothing even comes close for the price. McLaren is making inroads but they have a long way and a large product range to go.

Hi 24's have retractable gear, was the pilot never instructed on how to use it and the benefits? Just curious. Perhaps it's broken? I noticed at the top of the screen 'temperature sensor failure', perhaps the state of their air force overall? Everything is broke?

I grew up with this plane and it's as old as I am. I was a Navy brat and used to see them all the time. The others were faster, swoopier, etc. but I really dug the idea of getting down low, flying nap of the earth approaching the target and exiting after the bomb run. Must have been a blast! Flight of the Intruder

You know, when the original version was being shopped around it actually had bench seats. Yes, bench seats.

I've always liked the idea of owning an S-class just to be driven around while riding in the super comfortable back seat area while reclining in my seat. Didn't like the idea of always needing a driver at my beck and call while doing so.

Spam in a can!

We would be able to launch in 2015 if it wasn't for the rudderless idiots who occupy our government, they cut NASA's requested budget by 50% while throwing DEA a fat 35 million more than they asked for. . . Morons and idiots. And don't even get me started on the Teabag Party nonsense. . .

I agree, I thought Springpad's interface was very easy and intuitive to use, Evernote not so much. . . Springpad will be missed. Here's hoping something comes along from the people that created it. They deserved to succeed.

*sniff* I miss my mk1gti. . .

Just a reminder, beavers in Russia (and elsewhere) are indeed lethal. This is a story about one of two cases over the last few years of someone dying while trying to check out a beaver. It bit him in his femoral artery and he bled out before they could get him to a hospital. Cute? Yes. Deadly. . . Hell ya.

Well said. S&P deserves junk bond status, not Tesla.

Agreed, fuck S&P, Musk has made good decisions over and over and over again.

They absolutely need to drop the music. Period. No or minimal music. Racing enthusiasts want to listen to the car's engine, especially something as old as this. They don't want to listen to some idiot's idea of production values. . . Great footage totally ruined by overemphasis on unnecessary music... This would have

Just lost my lunch with that pairing. . .

Well said, have seen it myself, been on the receiving end, not fun either way.