For real, the first time I watched her as Suki on that show Gilmore Girls, I was like: THIS WOMAN!!!!!! My husband was crushing on Lauren Graham, but I was like. NOPE. THIS WOMAN!!!!!!
For real, the first time I watched her as Suki on that show Gilmore Girls, I was like: THIS WOMAN!!!!!! My husband was crushing on Lauren Graham, but I was like. NOPE. THIS WOMAN!!!!!!
Sweet jesus, it’s an epidemic. If I don’t answer her “texts” (as she refers to them) in Words within 15 minutes she calls thinking I’m dead in a ditch somewhere.
not going to lie, this is exactly how my mom gets in contact with me when she needs me.
I’m so using sinches from now on. Thank you for that. You’ve done womankind a great service.
Well apparently the REAL problem is just the 6-8 inches of thigh above the knee. That lower 12" or so of leg is apparently just not enticing!
She’s just trolling for attention, people. And for exactly the kind of outraged reaction that Jezebel and commenters give her every single time.
Despite his comments about at least two of his daughters (Tiffany here, the comments about Ivanka saying “If she weren’t my daughter...”), I actually don’t think he wants to have sex with his own children. Rather, I think he believes that the highest compliment you can give a woman is to call her fuckable. Which leads…
i trust no one that allows their hair to be in their face while exercising
Chris Hemsworth, professional handsome man and star of two upcoming big-budget movies with female leads (Huntsmen:…