
Seeing Dean roll around on the floor crying in the preview for next week’s show killed any sense of attraction I had towards him. I mean, I never thought he’d win or become the next bachelor but watching that was just too pitiful to be real. I’m really hoping it’s not nearly as horrifying as it looked.

At this point it’s just a matter of time until she picks Bryan and Peter becomes the next Bachelor. Bryan is too early-2000's “hot” to be the next Bachelor, Dean is too young and I can’t even count Eric because you would never see a Bachelor that didn’t come from a privileged and upwardly mobile background.

Yeah, I mean, since the whole point was just him marrying outside his own race, I would have been way happier if his girlfriend had been Hispanic, East-Asian, black, or gee, ANY other non-white. I swear, it’s like white pussy is the new ‘Forty Acres and a Mule’ that every POC man is supposed to get to symbolize his

Right, like whenever the media talks about people who are not white men, it’s always, “women and people of color,” which omits the “white” part, indicating that when referring to white women, “women” is sufficient.

I agree. It’s not about “deserve” but most average people are born into a society that will have potential mates when they come of age. Most straight people have a dating pool from which to choose from. Asian-American men do not have the same opportunities in the USA compared to other men. They can’t depend on their

Is this a joke?

Welcome to the club, ladies!

Here we find ourselves yet again

I know this is a true story and all, but this movie coming out weeks after the 2nd season of Master of None is pretty deflating. I’ll eventually watch it, but yeah...

I know an Asian man who married a White woman and to my horror I totally judged him for it. If he had married a Black woman I would totally be there for that though. MAKE MY BRANDY CINDERELLA DREAMS COME TRUE!!! (I realize this is not a logical position).

Miranda dated a black sports doctor and it got fairly serious, so no, it wasn’t just one episode.

She’s talking about the how colonization puts a zap on POCs minds. Some POC are able to recognize it. Some aren’t and continue to perpetuate white superiority and the demeaning of their own people. All she was saying was that she recognized that this story is based on his real life, but this colonized mind zap on POC

To add to an already-growing list, iZombie. A tad older, but Sex & The City.

Like, what the hell is happening here?

Yesss. And the common thread for pretty much all Black and Brown women is that we are passed over (often derisively or with contempt) in exaltation of the more ‘valid’ femininity and desirability of white women. WW have always represented a come-up for MOC. It’s sickening.

My thought is that if you think an otherwise identical script would get traction with a WOC as the love interest, if Kumail IRL happened to marry a black woman or a secular middle easterner or south asian he would have just as easily found funding, you’re in denial.

I am upset with Kumail, but not because he loves a white woman (in real life or in the film). I’m upset because he chose to represent Pakistanis and Indians as one-dimensional stereotypes. He absolutely has control over how he represents in the characters in his own film.

Right?! We live in an anti-black world.

Welcome to the world of Black woman, where we get NOTHING. Rarely the love interest or aspirational woman to be cherished and loved and protected. Pretty much always the sassy best friend who has no life outside of the white folks on screen. And good damn luck if you’re dark-skinned and rock your natural hair/braids.

As a Pakistani woman myself, I can give this movie a pass for that reason. But either way, I’m tired of seeing brown love interests in American media being passed up for white love interests, mostly because they are portrayed as one-sided caricatures. It’s the same problem I have with Mindy Kaling’s show.