Joe is 74 years old. He worked hard all his life and then became a great politician who ended up being next to the most powerful man in the universe. Now their 8 years are done and an orange guy lives in their house.
Joe is 74 years old. He worked hard all his life and then became a great politician who ended up being next to the most powerful man in the universe. Now their 8 years are done and an orange guy lives in their house.
Well done, man.
“My son already ate his ass up twice,”
Well look at Mr. Responsible Gun Guy over here. Advocating for pointing a weapon at someone and ‘hoping’ it doesn’t have to be fired. That’s not how it works. You aim the weapon, you’re already committed to firing it. You make that decision before you ever reach for it because you never aim at something you don’t…
Captain is done. Sounds like he’d only had the job since November. Guessing your right about the OOD as well. Hope they find the missing sailors, but I’m afraid that’s not likely at this point.
Absolutely. The OOW is a goner for sure and the entire senior command structure should be very very nervous.
Yeah. Some officers will have their careers ended because of this, regardless of fault.
I have no basis on which to make this judgment, but that giraffe looks like he probably had it coming.
It’s like watching a Shawn Bradley highlight tape.
I care about Republican politicians being shot to precisely the same degree that Republican politicians care about me being shot.
“Paul Ryan said, “We are united in our shock...”
I disagree.
You know what, after further thought YES let’s be a dick about this.
Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!
The Escala is used in ads to help drive traffic to the dealer. It’s called the Cadillac Escala aid.
Look I’m as amused by Donald teaching the fluke monster from the X-Files how to act like a person by forcing him/it to watch Wall Street and American Pyscho on a loop as anyone but do we have to keep pretending its a person?
The Senate probably would confirm Cruz, just to get rid of him.
Marijuana wasn’t the only thing in the Cavs locker room that got smoked.
What did Trump do about the opioid crisis? He went to Jared.
It’s interesting but sad that this guy is completely oblivious to the fact that he himself has been radicalized. Threatening to kill yourself for a cause and leave your kids as orphans, calling for the murder of people of a different religion, putting your anger and your cause over everything precious in your…