
Its an outrage. I’m calling my representative in Moscow.

And yet the odds are they will retain control of congress after 2018 (most definitely the House). Between gerrymandering, voter suppression and general low turnout the Republicans will continue to control the majority of the levers of power.

Cut the man some slacks.

I would argue that Russian involvement is less the problem than the people who were willing to vote for this fool despite what they could see in front of their faces. Whatever effect the Russians many have had was, in my opinion, marginal to the ultimate outcome. Yes margins matter in this case but under any rational

I didn’t realize they had K-mart in Australia.

I’m having a hard time digesting all the glee at the idea of Sears and Kmart closing. I keep thinking of the people that work there and clearly need their jobs. And when I want to buy major appliances and mattresses I go to Sears. Sure, I can go to other places, but what about all those people who will be

To get your 6 year old to the point where they are doing all that stuff every day, it takes a lot of ground work with straightforward and predictable consequences in the years leading up to that. If you’ve never given your kid a consequence (like maybe this couple didn’t?), it can be a WHOLE lot harder to enforce

What were the consequences if you didn’t? That’s the part you may not remember, but which is part of every solid parenting strategy. It may not be something you consider a “trick,” but getting a 6-year-old to remember to do something every single day without being reminded constantly or screwing up constantly

“Their six-year-old daughter, Sylvie”

No. I’m not, which is why I don’t want women to castigate other women.

It just feels like burning bridges instead of building them.

Resting rich face.

I see Marchionne is in merger talks with Harley-Davidson.

By the way, it seems appropriate on St. Patrick’s day, so I’d like to informally declare David Tracy the patron saint of Lost Wrenchers. You simultaneously cast us into the despair of Project Hell but also give us hope, a beacon like a magnetic flashlight in a dark engine bay.

I learned dissent is patriotic, not un-American.

On the bright side, no one there will have to stream it personally.

They can just watch our desktops remotely.

Penn State? Jerry Sandusky?

“Where can I get some of that? Asking for a friend.”

Beast a la Mode.

Seahawk fans are mildly excited at the prospect of FEAST MODE!