
I know you don’t understand this, but it’s possible to care deeply about democracy and immigrants and be okay with deporting illegals.


Maybe they should stop being assholes?

“in favor of Florida’s sinkholes and whatever’s in Texas.”

“How things should be” and “how to make things the way we want” are two different conversations.

Sure, but it’s unmanaged and uncodified. I’d rather have a legally defined and half-assed managed two-tier system than the socialism-by-default free-for-all we have now.

Minus Rihanna, I’m with you.

This is the wrongest of wrong takes from the land of Wrongness.

I’m looking forward to a long list of GM products.

“Abolish the system so rich people have to expend some minor amount of time and money setting up another control mechanism rather than just exploit the control mechanism they’re already using.”

The rich will always be able to buy the best stuff. They’re rich. Mediocre health care for poor people is still better than no health care, which is what they have now.

Ding ding ding.

Hot take: people don’t care about casting, they just aren’t interested in seeing another VFX heavy movie based on previews that make it obvious it’s a mediocre-at-best cash grab with a sequel already in pre-production.

Nona, has it occurred to you that lower marriage rates are one of the causes of economic instability, not a symptom?

Don’t kid yourself. The story about the witty and attractive but single 43 year old? Real good money he’s not the only single man there. So why are we hearing about him? Because he’s attractive. Does the original poster wonder about penis functionality on the borderline unattractive 35 year old sales manager? Has she

Traditionally, when wealth disparity is this bad and the foxes are subletting the hen house, there is only one real solution.

That I’ll never be able to buy a new car.

This made me cry. Thanks, and I’m not sure if that’s sincere or not.

“And it’s doubly appropriate when those same people have turned their lives into a crusade to police the morality of others.”

If positions were reversed- in some small part of your life you conducted yourself in a way Pence found odd in order to remove the very possibility of a small (and in his eyes minor) transgression (maybe some of you wear headscarfs?)- and he mocked you for it this website and its posters would respond with vicious